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>> No.17859942 [View]
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I will attemp to demystify how youiv actually works as far as I have been using it as this may be helpful to others

when you end up on the first page at the top you have Download, HD and free torrent

-section Download
The Download bring you to another page where you have more choices, I only use the first one as I down want any junior idols and the other stuff that is there, I just want the main idols

once you click that, you have pages upon pages of Idols, usually they have the more popular releases after 10 days of a month or more (not all of the releases are there)

If you click on a release there, you'll find that it is hosted on Upstore, a file transfer service that you have to pay for and the files are sectioned in 3 or more sections, I do not recommend that option

sometimes you'll click on an idol and you'll get one link only that takes you to a nexus server (more on that later)

if we go back to the host page
you have Download, HD and free torrent

-section HD
I recommend to not use this as it is a ripoff, I don't know why it's called HD, as other HD files are all over the other sections of youiv.....

There you'll find hi-demand releases, or I guess more risqué gravure, anyway you have to fork up 19.95USD for each release, it's a complete rip off

-section Free Torrents
this is the one I use the most, it's free and after awhile a lot of the stuff from the other paying sections of the site end up on it (not everything however)

you have to download the actual torrent file hosted on a yunfile and open it in your torrent application, it's a drag to get to the yunfile page and there is a lot of pop up and at least one person in a previous thread said it didn't work for them

however it works for me and some other anons, I'd be curious to know if you have used this and if it works for you, as I have been downloading torrents for years using this method......

As mentioned before, there is no SEARCH function on youiv unless you are a member, from what I can gather that last time I joined, when you join a search bar appears... and you get a certain number of good points allowing you to do searches, they expire quickly and then the searches return an error message....
I can't really make any sense of it

on this topic this:>>17858202
might just work

Back to the nexus server
on youiv there is a somewhat hidden nexus server, you have to pay to join it (this is independent of joining the youiv site, you can be a member of the nexus server and not of the youiv site....

on the plus side, the nexus server has almost every thing, almost every release from the last 5 years is on there, the files are hi-quality and since it's a server and not a torrent, the speed is extremely fast (I get 5mbs)

I'm not advertising for this site, but for my needs I join every six months or so, just for one moth, in that one month I download like crazy, so that I have enough for 6 months, with the torrents that I also get it's plenty for me

also there are a bunch of other stuff on there, picture books, some photoshoots short video, some Jav, etc etc

With all of that being said, I feel it's important to mention that I do pay for some releases once in a while of Idols I really really want (for instance I paid for pic related and I don't regret one bit) I don't like the thought of ripping off the Idols......

as mentioned before some of the youiv FREE torrents also end up on https://sukebei.nyaa.si/ and the other nyaa server pantsu, but not all of them, so this may be another option to get free gravure

I hope this helps with the mass of tangled confusion that youiv is......

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