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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.19670672 [View]
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Well, if you're going to swindle some fools you may as well do it with style. EN FKG has gone to shit with zero change for improvement, all that remains is them testing how stupid their remaining players are. But they can do that for a very long time, and you get free translations out of it, so while I feel bad about the wasted potential, it's not that awful a deal overall.

Also, the "dark backstory" list up there was up to 2016 at best, so here's some newer suggestions lifted from 2ch recaps: Achillea and Rudbeckia, Calendula/Pot Marigold, Wax Tree, Bupleurum (major gap moe character, looks like a teasing elder sister at first take, is a former child trafficking victim), Greenbell, Coral Flower, Ipheion, Winter Pea. Mint is also on the long list of pest trauma victims, so good for EN players if this hints at her CQ.

Not related, but a dangerously cute thing noticed while going through character pages: Bergenia and Himeshara share one pair of earrings (Bergenia wears hers as a hair ornament). They were truly meant for one another.

Come on guys, the sarcasm is laid on so thick that even I can see it.

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