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>> No.45282877 [View]
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Thanks anon your CAGE posts keep me motivated to keep reading so I can backread all of this stuff when i'm able to actually read it
What did you have in mind for something to help future anons?

I'll be honest the whole game has made me more emotional than it should have so I get it!! I think it's a great first vn so I hope you have fun with you're reread!!
How do you like Hashihime so far? I actually tried reading that too but there was a part early on with handwriting that scared me off lol

NTA but I would say yeah it's pretty easy to read in japanese. Ayakashi gohan is my 3rd VN and it feels perfect for me in terms of difficulty
It's mostly school and slice of life with some cooking vocab and a very small smattering of Shinto related vocab
If you read with texthooker and have read something in Japanese before it you should have no trouble with it since it's mostly dialogue and inner thoughts with very little narration/description of actions or events
Bad medicine was the first VN I played and I felt it was pretty doable since there is even less narration in it then Ayakashi gohan
Tiny machinegun I found fairly challenging and it's also only partially voiced so I've paused that. Alice=alice I'm reading currently and it looks fairly doable for newbies BUT I'm finding some of the dialogue confusing because its meant to be weird and quirky. Besides that it seems very gentle
Not sure about their other games
I think i said it before but I've found pretty much everything I've tried to be fairly challenging at the beginning but they end up easier the longer I read
What I do is I'll try different stuff out and read it for ~5 hours and if I still find it rly frustrating then I'll cut my losses and make a note to come back to it later. Maybe you can something like that
Sorry for rambling on about myself, hopefully that can be a bit useful for you

ANYWAYS on the topic of Alice=alice I'm getting heckin whiplash from how Ura alice is almost the complete opposite of Gin in Ayakashi gohan even tho they share the same VA. Feels nice that Im starting to recognise seiyuu btwn games (altho I still don't remember anyones names lol)

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