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>> No.46889632 [View]
File: 577 KB, 1063x1373, chimata 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46517881 [View]
File: 577 KB, 1063x1373, chimata 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where does one draw the line between 1) an entity capable of gathering belief and 2) any series of ideas personified through our cognition?
Where does one indeed do so... (I have no answer here)

But I suppose you can either think that there are gods that just have this quality of being able to gather faith, or then you can think that gods are like...some subset of egregores, and "faith" can be almost any kind of attentions that reinforces belief in them.
>I fear that our notion of what is respectful and isn't is heavily influenced by the sensibilities of Abrahamic religions and modern society
Yes, of course, but I think it does depend largely on the nature of the deity. What is respectful to them is...up to them to decide, in a way. In this particular way I would research on how deities are portrayed in various east asian religions, with shinto being of particular interest. This is on my to-do agenda.
>I'm unsure what do you mean by old path
It was a figure of speech, "any old" path depencecy. Sorry if I was unclear.
>simply misguided in as much as it's not necessarily 2hus they want.
Yes, absolutely. The 2hus can simply be agregates of some particular features or ideas they have particular respect or particular need for.
>Can be just a lust permutation, too.
It can. But I would like to get people thinking a bit more about their desires and what it really tells about themselves and what they may need. (or not) Might be just my own projection, but as I said, a lot of guys think with their dicks when it's really some else part of their being trying to talk to them.
>That's not an unreasonable disposition
I'm extremely cautious with this kind of stuff and very hesitant to commit any belief or another, but I think "this thing represents ideals I want to work towards" can work in both spiritual and wholly materialistic, psychological sense.
>I still have done nothing
Oh anon, who knows, maybe you have stopped someone from trying to summon their oomukade waifu and getting devoured.
>There is little I can help you with
I disagree, at least on the level that I found our discussion rather constructive and you have forced me to better articulate my ideas to both myself and others.

Also, I want to say at this junction that as much as I regard working with explicitly demonic entities really bad idea, I think trying to work with the youkai is probably a very bad idea.
>John Constantine effect
I'm actually not familiar with this at all.
>coming face to face with one of the "characters" in the distance
That's fascinating. Do you feel comfortable telling which one it was?
>Gensokyo isnt a zoo, it's a wildlife preserve
Interesting idea. That does have some fascinating extra implications. People do frequently go missing in national parks, a kind of wildlife preserve of it's own...
>How sure are you that this isn't Childhood's End tier scenario?
It's been ages since I read that, but as far as I remember humanity did not have much of a choice in that one.
>In an extremely terrible age for that morally wise, at that!
What are the particulars that make you feel like we live in a particularly morally bankrupt era? We have witnessed countless previous eras of abject poverty and cruelty and wanton rule of the strongest. We may not have progressed *that* much, but we do live in an age where we have the luxury of being able to think about these things. Is it some individualism thing?

And ultimately, whatever the zeitgeist may be, we simply may have to start thinking about these things. "Reality is thinning" may soon not be a meme anymore.
>Many youkai kill, many dont. Many have fucked, many havent. Many have taken human partners in marriage or been patrons, etc.
Perhaps it simply is that these entities have divergent characteristic and interests, much like the fae folk were described as being sometimes hostile, sometimes friendly and sometimes, yes, even taking human partners. I believe from what I've read certain youkai in japanese mythology are exactly like this.
>No, you think you are in this situation, as you sit between protection systems
Hence we should proceed extremely carefully, if at all. But if "they" are indeed real, they seem to have some interest in getting human attention. What these motives might be obviously needs to be researched much more vigorously.
>The gods are not your bootlicks, human.
Indeed they are not, but what exactly are they? Above us in some way, yes, but still somehow very interested in proper respect and form and ritual and principles to live by?
>Quality post, really like this one in particular
I actually kinda regret it a bit myself.
>but all the rest of the strange discourse is pretty nice too.
Strange discourse is a nice way to put it. I actually laughed when I came back to this thread. We're all completely deranged, aren't we?

>> No.46423963 [View]
File: 577 KB, 1063x1373, chimata 15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chimata wouldn't understand because she is not a god of love or fertility but would probably apreciate the affection you feel towards her on some level.

>> No.45795643 [View]
File: 577 KB, 1063x1373, __tenkyuu_chimata_touhou_drawn_by_nonamejd__5e1de835b19dbc0a80bb92a8585fc868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love nonamejd's art, it's a shame that a lot of his old stuff got wiped. he used to do free drawings for people on tumblr.
also, he draws porn in this style, which just feels weird.

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