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>> No.46214262 [View]
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That was...Good. Or not, because the whole thing was very strange. I turned to look at the other Miss Yuuka. "I can split my body if need be." She said, shrugging and looking at the Miss Yuuka outside. "Come back to me, dear." The Miss Yuuka inside the mansion said, beckoning the Miss Yuuka outside the mansion forward. Doing so, that Miss Yuuka placed her hand on the glass. The Miss Yuuka outside seemed to shiver for a moment, and then faded from existence, her body seemingly dissolving into an essence that flowed straight through the glass and into Miss Yuuka's palm.

Thus, Yura and I were left alone on the other side of the glass from a Miss Yuuka that was covered in splatters of blood from punching Gengetsu's face in for so long. She curtsied, lifting her dress on either side. Placing her palm back on the glass, she spoke. "I shall join you outside presently." Pleasantly, she said the words before turning and beginning to walk down the corridor.

Yura and I looked at each other. "Should we just-" Yeah, I said. Let's just go back to the party and pretend that none of that happened. "Sounds great to me." And just like that, we were off. Back by all of the food, the usual party atmosphere was starting to kick into gear. Somehow - I could only imagine that this had been planned in advance - There was a stall set up. Geidontei, with Miss Miyoi manning it. I'd forgotten about her yet again, somehow. Clearly, she was pulling in a lot of business tonight, because there was a large crowd gathered around it. I was surprised to see a lot more humans that I'd thought I would, but - Yes, it seemed like a number of more adventurous souls from the village had managed to make the trip. I supposed that even though I hadn't gone around telling everyone, word had gotten around a little bit.

"Reiki~" I heard a drunken voice just in time for Kisami Kurodani to crash into me. I stumbled slightly as she wrapped her arms around me, then fell back entirely a moment later when she wrapped her legs around me too. "Yams is being mean to me~" She mumbled in a very drunken voice. "She won't let me take my kimono off! It's too hot..." Casting an eye down, I found that...No, apparently Yamame hadn't been all that successful in keeping Ki's clothing sense from veering off of 'distracting' and toward 'Akiru Kurodani.' The red kimono with the yellow spiderweb patterns was a very nice touch, though I wasn't sure it was supposed to be worn quite as loosely as Ki seemed to be wearing it. Nor was I sure that she was supposed to be wearing...Nothing underneath it. No bra, that much was certain. I decided not to check if there was anything below and instead opted to do what Yamame had been doing, pulling the kimono around her chest a little tighter - Which was difficult enough given the, er, size of her chest. "Huh~?" She was very drunk. I could smell the sweetness of the alcohol on her breath; I could feel the slight stickiness of spilled sake on her hands as she ineffectually grabbed at my hands to stop me.

"Wait, no, no...You're mean too!" She cried dramatically, before collapsing against me. I wondered if I should tell someone to take her home, but then thought better of it. She might not even manage walking from here to Mugenkan by herself at this rate, and entrusting this particular spider to someone else seemed like a very dangerous decision. "Ugh...Everything's spinning...Reiki~ Hold me~" She squeezed her arms around me tighter and I sighed.

"Enjoying yourself?" Yamame suddenly asked, squatting down next to my head. Not particularly, I replied. "Well, imagine how I felt. She's a menace when she's this drunk. Really need to make her lie down somewhere, but..." But Mugenkan was a strange place, and sending her there was a poor decision if neither Elly or Miss Yuuka were there to make sure things went okay. "Alright, er...We could try and send her to the Shrine?"

"Yams~ Stop talking about me like I'm not here~" Ki's head had fallen onto my chest now, and she was slurring her words. "Just give me some water..." No, I said. Get Reimu, and she could do whatever her strange technique for dealing with overly drunken people was. It might not resolve the issue entirely, but it might get Ki back to...Some semblance of lucidity. "Ah...I'm so jealous~"

"Jealous? Jealous of what, Ki?" Yamame asked with some amusement, poking her elder sister in the cheek. "You should be jealous of how I'm not blackout drunk and letting random people hand me drinks, I think."

Ki ignored that bit. "Reiki's arms are so nice~ I wish he was cuddling me every night..." I blinked and looked over at Yamame, who pressed her palm against her head and sighed. "He's too warm, though..." Oh, she was trying to pull her kimono off again. "Lemme go~" She whined as I was forced to squeeze my arms around her tighter so that she couldn't get the kimono off.

>> No.42688346 [View]
File: 260 KB, 800x618, __gengetsu_and_kazami_yuuka_touhou_and_touhou_pc_98_drawn_by_kuromiya__f555a9ccf9860b79b0b88817deccd4a8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotomeme blown the fuck out!
LLS wins again!

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