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>> No.45707130 [View]
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"What's in your pocket?" I hadn't expected the question and asked her what she was talking about. "That pocket, there. Left side, inside." She pointed at my coat. "You were protecting that side very carefully just then..." I stared at her for a few seconds, then looked over my shoulder to confirm that Yamame was busy with Ki and not looking in my direction at all. "Now, don't be shy. I don't bite. Well...Perhaps I do, but I only bite food. Sometimes birds. But only when they deserve it." That was a...Strange way of putting it. "We're all strange around here." Yuyuko replied with a light smile. "I'm strange. Youmu's strange. You're strange." I didn't think I was that strange. "You must be." She told me, her smile widening. "Or you wouldn't be here." She held the smile for a moment longer. "Ah...My dear friend told me that was an important quote from a book that she'd never gotten the opportunity to use. She'll be upset when she learns that I got to use it first." Yuyuko giggled. "Now, what is in your pocket that you're protecting so well?"

There was no way out of conversation with her, I realised, so with one final check, I reached into my pocket and pulled out the box. Then, I very gently pulled it open. Yuyuko took in a sharp breath. "Oh my..." She murmured. "That girl you're looking at..." I nodded. "How lovely..." She sighed. "And she's desperate for you to ask." Yuyuko said. "Well, I certainly see why you protected it. Quick, put it away before she sees." I gingerly slipped the box back into my pocket. "I've not seen something like this for many years. Youmu~" She looked down. "Oh. Hmm...Youmu usually remembers these things for me. It seems I'll have to shake some of the cobwebs from my brain. Please come and tell me the story after you've asked." I wondered if she'd never considered such a thing herself. "It's rather hard to form lasting relationships as a ghost, I find, especially romantic ones. We tend to be just a little too transient, I'm afraid. I'm only different because I'm in charge of the Netherworld, but even then..." She shook her head. "So, I enjoy the stories of others."

I nodded slowly. She'd shown a very different side here compared to the ghost who'd been eating all of the food inside. I'd wondered if she'd been keeping a side of herself secret. "Now, I imagine that you've not come to this party to spend all of your time conversing with an old ghost like me." I asked her if she was feeling okay. It seemed to be something worth asking of everyone I spoke to. "Hm. You're rather sweet. I'm fine, though I always find myself a little down in the Winter, when my dear friend - Your Hearn - disappears." I could understand. It was always a little sad when you couldn't see someone you wanted to. Of course, I felt like I'd developed at least one good response to this sort of issue.

So, I asked her if she wanted a hug.

>> No.42577196 [View]
File: 2.33 MB, 1718x2468, 102380553_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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