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>> No.21919051 [View]
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>Hunter returning home after a long and only semi-successful hunt. He had snagged only a couple of small rabbits and a basketful of assorted forest goodies (edible mushrooms, wild root vegetables, etc.)
>Wasn't much but it'd go into the perpetually cooking stew that he knew was waiting for him back at the tavern where all of the local hunters, gatherers, and woodsmen convened
>Rain was coming down and wind was beginning to pick up in icy-cold blasts
>As eager as he was to get to hot food and shelter he wasn't one to ignore the hunched figure beckoning to him from the woodline
>The figure was small and obscured by what looked like a thin, ragged sheet as protection
>"Kind sir," she called out, a woman's voice. "Kind sir, may you help me?"
>He approached her without caution. As soon as he was within touching distance her paltry disguise was shed, the dingy covering falling from her shoulders and pooling around her ankles
>A Succubus with dusky red skin and gleaming yellow eyes. Although nude in the cold she seemed to be sweating, some supernatural heat inside of her causing her flesh to be hot and her breathing to be heavy.
>"Kind sir, won't you...help me warm u-"
>"My goodness, it's bitter-cold out here!"
>"Ah yeees, I know, so if you-"
>"Here! Take my cloak! Let's get you somewhere safe before the storm worsens. You poor thing, you must be miserable out here."
>"Oh, but kind sir, I would be made much warmer i-"
>She stops speaking as the cloak engulfs her. It's so large compared to her relatively petite body that it's almost comical, even to her. Though it's dripping wet on the outside the interior was bone-dry and even she had to admit it was unbelievably comfy.
>"A-ah! Th-...yes, well...maybe I could be made even warmer if you were to join me und-"
>"How long have you been left here? Are you hungry?"
>"I-...no, I'm no-...well, yes, I'm starving, but what would feed me best is-"
>"Don't worry, don't worry. If stew isn't to your liking I'll get the tavern-owner to whip up whatever you like."
>Thirty minutes later she's seated in the warmest corner of the tavern next to a raging fire with a bowl of oxtail soup in her lap wondering what happened
>All the townsfolk have been using this method to avoid being assaulted for months.

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