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>> No.5529448 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, fascinating3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4651475 [View]
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>> No.4622972 [View]
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>> No.2819895 [View]
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>> No.2336057 [View]
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>> No.2295079 [View]
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>> No.2078729 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1234575848427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is Fascinating.

>> No.2072107 [View]
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Indeed, fascinating.

Spitfire, anyone?

>> No.1989418 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1233182890735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well... actually it was last Thursday. And just found it.

You are a proud warrior in East Asia, serving a most charismatic and ambitious young warlord by the name of Temujin. In his glorious unification of his ancestral homeland, you serve him with the might and energy of a hundred men. After the most magnificent of battles, you see a strange distortion of space, where two oddly clothed women, one who somehow appears to have several large furry tails, are dragging exhausted sleeping soldiers. You, knowing no fear, charge towards the women full bore. However, you misjudge the distortion, falling through time and space.

When you finally gather your wits, you find yourself in a strange world, one you gather must be tales of the land far to the east beyond the sea. You find you have landed in a place called "Hakurei Shrine", and that the lady in charge is a miko by the name of Reimu. She's rather annoyed by your less than pleasant smell and tendency to devour a small feast at one sitting. Worse yet, you don't have any of this "money" stuff she keeps going on about. She mutters under her breath how you must be another "oni".

Upon those words, a young girl with horns sticking out of her head leaps at you and pins you to the ground. "Another oni!" she squeals with delight. The two of you certainly seem sure to get along well together.

As time passes, you enjoy the company of this young oni girl by the name of Suika. Even your remarkable strength is easily matched by this girl, and her tolerance for alcohol outdoes even your own. She loves competition, and you find yourself exhausted, bruised, with many hangovers, and with a very sore pelvis (Although you agree that both of you won that competition very much.), and you couldn't imagine a greater reward for a warrior who must have been slain in battle and granted the delights of the heavens.

>> No.1932789 [View]
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Mima ever was alive?

>> No.1855606 [View]
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She's tiny. She's flat. She's scrawny as hell. But Yuugi knows not to test her.

This furious behemoth with a craving for human flesh wields powers beyond mortal comprehension.

>> No.1832220 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1230474567044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Suika aleing hard with a squirrel.
With a squirrel.

I salute you.

>> No.1688053 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1228014113345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INDIRECT KISSU is among the stupidest of Japanese romance devices. Getting flustered over sharing a bottle? Really?

>> No.1688044 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1228014047611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

INDIRECT KISSU is among the stupid of Japanese romance devices. Getting flustered over sharing a bottle? Really?

>> No.1516036 [View]
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If so, that'd make oni unique as the only Touhou youkai who *don't* eat humans.
Although there's not really a lot of onikakushi'ng going on these days, so...

>> No.1377207 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1222537965640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be mistaken. This is what Suika looks like.
Although if you're interested there already is a Yuugi thread.

>> No.1311499 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1221515207638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. If anything it's Japan that makes a big deal out of swapping spit.

>> No.1158528 [View]
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>> No.1127404 [View]
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ITT virgins reassure themselves that it's the girl's fault they can't get laid.

If that weren't enough, ITT those same virgins turn around and blame women for having sex, despite wanting to have sex themselves. Normal people don't marry the first boy or girl they meet, fags. They date and break up with multiple people before meeting someone they fit with. Just because you're so afraid of getting burned that you won't ask a chick out until you're sure she's THE ONE (and by then she's taken, if she wasn't already) doesn't mean everyone else has to be a pussy.

As a matter of fact, ITT the male version of this:
>As a single woman, I'm especially looking for a man who doesn't masturbate, even while he's single.

>> No.877596 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1214247013291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.658524 [View]
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>> No.551387 [View]
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The answer is clear.

>> No.119594 [View]
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>> No.94994 [View]
File: 150 KB, 651x707, 1204158237637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Upon those words, a young girl with horns sticking out of her head leaps at you and pins you to the ground. "Another oni!" she squeals with delight. The two of you certainly seem sure to get along well together.

As time passes, you enjoy the company of this young oni girl by the name of Suika. Even your remarkable strength is easily matched by this girl, and her tolerance for alcohol outdoes even your own. She loves competition, and you find yourself exhausted, bruised, with many hangovers, and with a very sore pelvis (Although you agree that both of you won that competition very much.), and you couldn't imagine a greater reward for a warrior who must have been slain in battle and granted the delights of the heavens.

One hot summer's day, you mention to Suika that the sun is a terrible thing, far too hot and far too bright. She agrees, and insists you two get drunk in order to cool down. Her answer for everything, and not a bad one at that. After what seems to be endless amounts of this liquor she calls "sake", you get a brilliant idea. "I should punch the sun!" you exclaim. Suika agrees emphatically. However, you sadly remember that humans cannot fly, and you just can't quite reach the sun to punch it, even though you try for a full hour. Suika then has a brilliant idea of her own. She will use her awesome strength to throw you at the sun, so you can punch it.

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