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>> No.45353258 [SPOILER]  [View]
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I finished Geminism. I'm gonna write my thoughts here and not the eroge thread because I don't want to be called a faggot. We're past bump limit anyway so we can do a little eroge talk, no?
I haven't really looked at other reviews, so I have no idea how it was recieved but I found it pretty enjoyable. As for how /blog/ it is? If it looks like it'd interest you I'd recommend it even if you don't normally play danseimuke eroge, it goes down very easy for a player used to joseimuke (almost exclusively female POV, fixed couples) and the guys and their interactions with the girls and each other are great.
Though it's not an actual otomege, I'd say the main thing that made it feel different (H-CG angles aside) was that the 'romance' was intentionally shallow. In the end, the girls are far more concerned with each other than they are with the guys, and the guys are more concerned with each other than the girls (perhaps to a fujobait degree? See picrel, it's a spoiler though. Also Tsukishiro says that he picked his girl because she reminded him of Awasumi so take that as you will).
It doesn't feel much like Sayooshi aside from the art/music and I guess one particular section. Sex scenes are more or less vanilla, it's not all that gory either. So you might be disappointed if you expect something crazy on that front. In general it feels more 'fun', black comedy more than horror for the most part. Though I suppose the ending has a similar tone to Sayooshi where it feels like things are gearing up to repeat all over again.
I think the most disturbing parts are the more conceptual body horror stuff and the girls' past, they were originally conjoined twins who were locked in a room all their life by their mom who deliberately didn't teach them about the outside world or how old they really were, Gypsy Rose Blanchard style (but more benevolent) so they thought they were kids even though they were like 30. The reason they ended up deformed was because they were result of their mom's twin brother raping her. And their dad/uncle comes and visits them regularly behind the mom's back to molest them too. But since only one twin can be awake at a time, every time he came along it was always one twin (Shinku) who stayed concious to protect the other (Kikyou). Uncle gives Shinku presents to bribe her, but when Kikyou wakes up she sees all the stuff and doesn't understand and thinks Shinku is getting favorable treatment, so they hate each other.
It's not very long, I didn't mind this, but to be honest I've been playing a lot of doujin games recently so I might just be used to this sort of length. It was a nice thing to play over the weekend anyway.

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