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>> No.45184120 [View]
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Wanna read my bunyip headcanons? Too bad, I'm posting them anyways.
-Bunyips, due to their natural timidity, tend to settle in groups, or tribes, fairly distant from monster and human settlements alike.
-They tend to prefer settling on or near swamps and wide rivers.
-They also heavily prefer to settle near groves of Arca trees, as they make their masks from the wood of this tree.
-They use this tree in particular because its wood is naturally dense in mana, which allows more complicated enchantments to be enscribed upon it.
-Common enchantments placed upon bunyip masks include truesight, farsight, enhanced hearing, and
-Some more territorial types enchant their masks with a disguising/glamour enchantment. This may be the origin of the 'bird-faced serpent' stories.
-Due to their remote habitat and largely-carnivorous diet, bunyip communities rely on hunting, fishing, foraging, and farming for the majority of their food.
-Common occupations include farmers, fishers, and hunters, as mentioned, weavers and tailors,
-Most large bunyip communities are self-sufficient.
-Most outside contact comes from travelling danuki merchants, though a band of enterprising ratatoskr have been seen in the region, gathering and spreading goods and gossip alike.
-There are a few swampbourne bunyip communities that have built their houses entirely on top of rafts.

-What species do they naturally encounter? Dryad, Alarune, Soldier Beetles in fruit-heavy areas for river, Gnomes, earth and water elementals, alligators for swamp

-Bunyip fur has a natural enchantment that is essentially 'inscribed' upon each indvidiual hair. It activates subconciously, by taking in either ambient mana from the environment, or a small amount from the bunyip herself.
-This enchantment is what allows their fur to remain warm and fluffy, even when submerged completely.
-It also confers a natural, intuitive understanding of enchantments to all bunyips.
-As a result, many bunyips choose to become enchantresses.

-A popular trend amoungst the bolder of the species (namely, those brave enough to post pictures of themselves online) is a way to essentially 'hack' this natural enchantment in order to turn their fur a variety of different colours.
-Bunyips that get particularily skilled at this can have constantly changing colours! RGBunyips, baby!
-(There are even rumours of some particularily reclusive individuals that have mastered this technique, and use it as camoflage!)

-There has been speculation amongst scholars and schizophrenics alike that bunyips were originally a type of artificially made chimera.
-They point to the bunyip's lamia-like body, inari-like fur and ears, demon-like black sclera and purple skin, paws that are halfway between a griffon's and a manticore's, as well as the enchantment woven into their fur as evidence for this.

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