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>> No.45353760 [View]
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"I guess you could say that. I'd be happier if I had some more donations, though." Reimu said, taking her own cup of tea and drinking about half in one go, even though it had to still be burning hot. Finally managing to free my arms, I sat up, dragging Yamame with me, and took my own cup of tea. Yes, It was still burning hot. I had no idea how Reimu could manage that. "So, did you actually have anything important to say?"

"Everything I say is important, Reimu. It just might not appear so to you." She frowned after a moment. "I'm not calling you stupid, mind."

"I didn't think you were." Reimu replied blankly. "Why would you be saying that?"

"Oh. Well, good." Hearn nodded sagely. "No reason, honest. I'm here because - Well, there are many reasons." She said, looking mysterious, or at least trying to.

"Then give me one?" Reimu said with some exasperation. "Seriously, every time with you. Why can't you just speak clearly?"

"There's a main one, I must say. It's almost Winter, which means that it's time for me to bid you adieu until Spring is upon us once more." Hearn said, spreading her hands. "I should like to say goodbye to these two as well. I see that they're looking closer than ever."

"A dew?" Yamame whispered to me. "What's that supposed to mean?" I shrugged and whispered back that it was probably some sort of outside world thing. Reimu seemed used to it because she didn't seem confused at all. "Ah!" Yamame exclaimed, realising that Hearn was still watching us. "Um, thank you, Miss Hearn."

"Wait, you've got her doing it t- Mmph!" Reimu was cut off when Hearn's hand emerged from another gap and slapped itself over her mouth. After a few moments, Hearn relented. "Right. Well, uh, see you?" Reimu didn't seem concerned, but I knew her well enough by now to see that she was keeping something back. "Off for Winter. Just like always, huh?"

"My, you make it sound like you might actually miss me." Hearn's smile was omnipresent. "And here I thought you only liked me for my dazzling charisma."

"Who said I liked you at all?" Reimu complained, crossing her arms. "You are very annoying, after all."

Hearn's pouted, then looked at Reimu more curiously. "Shall I give you a parting gift? Maybe you'll like me then."

"Am I going to have to pretend to like it? Because, honestly, those Outside World sweets-" Reimu was suddenly cut off when another gap opened, this one dropping something onto the table.

"Have a good winter, Reimu. Get Ran to tell me when those two set a date." Hearn said, pointing a finger at Yamame and I. "I should like to attend."

"Attend what?" Yamame asked blankly. "Um, I don't think I understand."

Hearn smiled mysteriously. "The happiest day of your life, I should imagine. I was always a fan of ceremonies. Ah, it's been so long..." She waved at us and then fell backwards, disappearing down another gap as if she'd never been there in the first place.

"Hate it when she does that." Reimu muttered under her breath, dragging what appeared to be a large box across the table. It was covered in weird patterns. "She wrapped this. You can tell because it's not wrapped very well. It's Ran who's actually skilled with that." She took a needle from her sleeve and slit the paper delicately, before pulling it free. "What's she got me this time?"

I finally freed myself fully from the blankets and lifted Yamame up before setting her down to the side, where she crossed her arms and pouted. Pulling myself toward the table, I watched Reimu open the lid on the unwrapped box. "Huh." Yamame said, coming over. "That looks like...bits of clothing?" Indeed, it seemed to be a lot of various items of clothing. A scarf, massive in length and multi-coloured, unlike Reimu's old one. A new pair of boots. Some sort of shirt called a thermal layer. The items went on and on, covering everything from socks and underwear - Which had made Reimu yell and almost turn the box from Yamame and I - to headwear and earmuffs. "I guess she didn't want you freezing." Yamame murmured. "That's nice of her. I would have charged you a bunch for that." I elbowed Yamame in the side. "What?" She asked, frowning at me. "It's true."

Reimu was staring down at the box, a small sort of smile on her face. "Huh." She'd fished something out. A small card. "'Dear Reimu. As a reward for all of your hard work, I've went and got you all the cute clothes I could find that'll keep you warm through Winter. With all my Love, Yu-'" Reimu coughed. "Er, 'Hearn'. That's weirdly nice of her."

I wondered if it was actually just Hearn's inability to say anything straightforward that had led her to cryptically gifting the box and saying strange things to Yamame and I before disappearing that had sent her in this direction. At least Reimu was happy.

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