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>> No.17978955 [View]
File: 1.42 MB, 853x1024, Daria, Dimensional Witch (Evolved) 103341010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Alright, I'm not working another day until you all admit who you really are!"
>"Who we really WERE, shuga, it ain't like that no mo-"
>"Fine, but I need to know!"

>Succubus sighs and steps up in her overalls and straw hat while undoing the tie in her hair
>She snaps her fingers, and in that instant her hair becomes wild and flowing down to her ankles, magically floating in the air, she gains a foot in height almost all in her legs bayonetta style, her eyes become a deep and living red with black sclerea, her wings become sharp and with a massive wingspan, and her horns curl and extend like the fearsome demons of yore as her outfit also changes into that of a sexy, slutty and yet imposing officer with countless decorations and medals
>"Calypso was my name, leader of the armies of the western front, demon commander of a thousand campaigns, emissary arch-succubus of the lilim Druella, first lieutenant of blah blah blah blah-"
>She suddenly looks much less imposing as she awkwardly covers her chest a bit while rubbing her own arm
>"-is that enough, hon? I really don't think any of us have time for the full twenty minute title drop."

>P'Orc is next, usually clad in a cute sundress that hides most of her figure and makes her look more fat than strong
>She timidly pulls it off, revealing huge, packing muscle underneath, and both countless scars and tribal tattoos that crudely depict brutal acts of war, then pulls out a bag of holding and removes from it a gargantuan battleaxe, almost comically big to the point it towers over the succubus, but easily twirls it in one hand and then flips it up in the air before catching it and hoisting it over her back, slicking her hair back into a wild and fearsome look as you notice her enchanted barbarian bra and panties underneath
>"Shuga, I told you this ain't me no more, but if you gotta know, they used to call me Grelda the Gutter. Like Cally here, I ain't gonna bore ya with all them tattoos and what they mean, but lets just say if any stray P'Orcs walkin by saw me showin' em off like this I'd have no choice but start up another ol' Waaagh- and I ain't got no time to explain that either, shuga, so don't even ask!"

>The golem, often the most quiet and timid of the bunch, calmly brings her finger up to the little birds on her shoulders and one by one has them hop on and sets them down on the ground
>Which is good, because what happens next turns her shoulders into mounted weapon devices revealing enormous magic cannons, her runes across her body twirling and shifting as her eyes become almost soulless looking, weapons and horrifying blades and such sprouting out all over her to make it such that she looks less a girl and more a true walking horror of war
>"...I used to guard Rhet'yahn, the city cursed by the Fire Mushroom, from intruders. That's all. I much prefer the birds now. Please don't make me do this again."

>Finally the Dark Mage saunters forward, but no noticeable physical change occurs to her
>"Hi anon, and anon and anon! Sorry this is all taking so long. I guess you could assume I'm sort of at that powerlevel that transcends dimensions. If you were expecting a firework show, uh, maybe imagine a storm of portals whirling around me as I explore the countless realities in the multiverse? Something like that. Hang in there! Portals soon, I promise!"
>You look behind you to try and find who she apparently was talking to only to find empty space, then look back at her inquisitively
>"Uh, don't worry about it. Point is, I'm Daria. That name maybe means some things some places, but I've just studied magic for a long time is all. How long? Um... well that's hard to answer because I'd have to factor in stopped and alternate flows of time, soo... fffforever?"

>They all face you with amused yet slightly annoyed faces as you're taken aback by their immense power gathered in one place
>"Happy now?!"

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