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>> No.46902316 [View]
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Time slowed as the ground around the tree, around Sekai’s first immense in the physical world exploded outwards. A geyser of hate and malice, sickly metallic black liquid full of hate and malice reaching towards the sky like daggers pointed at heaven.

The heavens(sky) for its part remained parted, utterly shattered only it’s horizon intact, but in such a short time a match sphere, an orb, an egg made of the same hateful material had appeared. Its presence alone shattering the blue and star-patterned barrier Mima had constructed as if it was paper.

The spirits face warping to one of surprise and rage at her hard work undone, and the tree it was meant to contain, rolling with power, electric and even in the warped space and time coming undone and spreading.

Above the chaos and below the sphere, a young girl wearing brown stood. Sekai, the Ghost Girl Born of the Hakurei Shrine Experience, the Miniature God Born of Transgression.
At her word the world warped, the power over her inner, non-existent world leaving her body and manifesting in the world around her.

“Hello brother.” Her voice was strained, warped, and stressed as she tried to hold herself back, for the enormity of her power and form was such that without effort her rapid descent into reality would only further damage the. In her eyes shone hope for the future and a pleading innocence.

“How dare you.” A million, million hateful eyes stared at her. From the oil bellow which tried to climb it’s way up the trunk of her physical form and the ball of hate suspended above Gensokyo, the second Sekai stopped holding it back it would all come crumbling down.

“How dare you call me brother, sister.” His words were soat out with endless venom, a literal creeping poison Sekao could feel crawling it's way up her bark and through her roots.

“Please, I don't want to fight you, I don't want to fight mama, any of them, anybody, please everybody can still make it out alive if you help me.” Sekai was pleading, pleading, she’d do anything for her family and she just wanted everybody to get along.

“Do you think so little of me, so little of my resolve, so little of my hatred, that I would give up the second you came begging to me like a dog sister?” Sekai didn't say it, but it was clear where the more grandiose and egotistical traits from her mothers had gone.

“brother, you don't have to love with hate, can't you see, even if you're born as a grudge you don't have to be one.”

“Nobody can control the circumstances of their birth, and I will not cast that away. By giving up my grudges I would give up on vengeance for the sake of that weak and pathetic man I despise for his weakness, for Father.”


“If I give up on this hatred, all of this suffering would have been for nothing.” Sekai realized this would go nowhere. “I am the righter of wrongs, and many wrongs have been done.” He was completely dead set on following down this path, accepting all of its consequences good and bad with complete understanding. The single mindedness resolve of a grudge like him was a terrifying thing to be realized.

“...The Righter of Wrongs, huh? That’s not really a good name.” It was kind of embarrassing actually, Sekai had thought of her own name but Koishi pointed out the same issue.

“Hmmm…” Her brother paused, his eyes rolling around in his sockets as he thought distractedly. ”You’re right, it’s more like a title, and I need a good name for a strong first impression.” His eyes rounded on Sekai. “You already took the grandiose and succinct name…”

Sekai, world, was a rather interesting name, but it was something she wasn’t going to back down on.
Lest she accept ‘Renko Yakumo’ as a name, the idea made her want to vomit.

“Hehe, well that’s one boon of being a big sister I guess.”

“Hmph, well I suppose… Gensou-douji will do.”

Sekai gave him a kind smile. “Don’t you think that’s a little too on the nose.”

Gensou-douji huffed. “I don’t need naming advice from the girl who named herself ‘Sekai,’ little miss ‘world,’ or perhaps I shall call you miss ‘society.’”

Sekai wanted to protest but she did choose the name, kind of. But in the first place it was just a suggestion that stuck, but for the life of her she couldn’t remember why. “...That joke only makes half sense considering the format and language of this.”


“Nothing, nothing.” Sekai shook her head. “I suppose it’s time to actually start fighting properly now?”

“Indeed, sister.”

And with that, the world exploded into a maelstrom of violence.

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