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>> No.12314054 [View]
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Reimu was forced by another Yukkuri to give birth to Koreimu, but felt that it was still her child
and begged for Big Bro to keep and raise Koreimu. Due to income limitations Big Bro cannot afford
to raise another Yukkuri, so he wanted to give the Koreimu to a Yukkuri pet shop for a kind-hearted
person to purchase and raise. Big Bro was worried that he might end up taking both mother and child
to the Yukkuri Factory when he could no longer afford to keep them. Reimu was always against giving
away Koreimu.

Yu~ Yu~

Later when Big Bro was away at work, Reimu used this opportunity to take Koreimu outside to busk with
the intention of earning money to raise her child. Even without noting how dangerous it is to live as
a stray, it is a sad sight for a badged Yukkuri to resort into going out on the streets and behave in
such a way.

Take it easy~

The result...

Yu~ Yu yu~

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