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>> No.45863006 [View]
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I obviously can't speak for Machico but I've heard that sometimes in contracts like that you can't do any personal singing stuff on your own without getting your agency involved. After she moved to Style Cube, her YT channel was exclusively vlogs or ads until she randomly came back after a few months hiatus to start doing popular song covers. Maybe Hori Pro was more lenient with what they allowed? I'm just speculating but it wouldn't be the first time there were some oddities regarding agencies.

My personal take on what's going on with Machico right now is that she's probably in that transitioning period between being a full on "that cute new young idol seiyuu who does PBs and lots of anime OPs" and is starting to step back some and take on less immature persona. These threads are an exception because iM@S is a series targeted towards older otaku to begin with but a good chunk of the seiota / koebuta crowd do generally like their girls on the younger side and its hard to keep up that kind of "cute! young! bratty and immature!" persona if you're pushing 30 years old and have been in the industry for more than a decade. It'd also be why she's no longer selling as well as she used to or is getting as many OPs as she used to.

She's obviously still better off than like 95% of seiyuu on virtue of being one of the main Uma girls but ultimately age is very much a factor when it comes to the seiyuu market unless you're like Hanazawa-tier.
TL;DR Machico marriage announcement within the next couple of years

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