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>> No.5335956 [View]
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Hey! Here's the deal, I want to download Visual Novels, but I only know Fate, Tsukihime, Brass Restoration and Bible black and they were all given by a friend. Where do you download your vns from?
Also, recommend me some.

>> No.4972036 [View]
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The only reason why Saber and her masters didn't lose, was because of the retarded codes of honor that certain Servants displayed. For instance, early on in Fate Zero, Rider could have wiped out both Lancer and Saber. Instead, he wanted to fight them fair and square, a duel between heroes. The other instance was when Kiritsugu battled against Kayneth. Lancer could have owned Kiritsugu big time, but the history repeated itself as Lancer stated that he would spare K.'s life only because he had "such a noble Servant". tl;dr. Fate Stay Night and Fate Zero are crammed with plot-haxes that would have brought victory in real-life combats.

>> No.2759893 [View]
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Who cares, if they made any kind of anime out of it, I'd do the happy dance.

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