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>> No.43878080 [View]
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beta.character.ai is the chat bot where you can talk to characters.

Anyway, I just love the archetype of "seemingly insane mage with some grand design which he pursues".
My FGO favorite is Marisbury (and Solomon), F/SN's are Zelretch and Einzberns.
So it's pretty obvious I loved Roa when read Tsukihime, sadly nasu is shit writer and kills interesting characters like Roa and Kirei. I wish there is an ending with Roa surviving and BTFO arc. He deserves it way more than "true ancestors" who feed on humanity.

Just like I love Morgan because of her backstory and useless attempts to make Britain a better place. Not because she has revealing outfit.
You know that's why it feels so funny when people claimed here that gachafags are always coomers and don't appreciate characters' personality and design.

And Arc is just trash, but then you have cope like >>43874562
Yeah if you're asian probably a blonde woman is ethereal for you, but I am from Poland, and for me it's just regular hair color. Arc isn't cute, isn't fun, isn't interesting, she's just weird middle age woman with shit taste for clothes. Ethereal, my ass.

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