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>> No.19138382 [View]
File: 401 KB, 660x683, is hamstor tym nao ahblsf~.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hewo teyowr!
yes hi!
eye wuld jus wyk tu tel yu al tat te bun bun baynk is nao kahwohzd nd tat we apweesheeayt bewee much al obs yor deepohsits obowr te yeeors!
te hol opowayshun wuz akshuwawee a fwunt por me tu tayk al obs yor kayohs kontwol buhnee wuv muhnee!
tu pweepayowr...
nd pynans te upskumeeng fwud tat wil wyp owt wots nd wots o peepols! ! !!
we habs ben ispekteeng such a ukowens tu be a hapsneengs por a bewee bewee wong tym nao nd agin wee weewee weewee WEEWEE apWEEsheeayt al obs yor hawrd wohrk!
yu may habs wots o kweshuns...
eye no
but al yu needs tu weewee no is tat al obs eeintay is akshuwawee owndeded nd opowaytedid by me! konata izoomee!
yes it is wyks is ben a SHAdow gobormens ooOooo
wich is piteeng beekuz te buhnee wuv bank is wyk a KAYohs kontWOL mas obs ENORjee tat is nao myn wyk eye habs te powowrz obs shadow te hejhogs nao is al myn tee hee ekspsth~
wich is GUD beekuz eye wil NEEDz it por te mini apokawyps in te neeor fyoochor tat akshuwawee wil habs sum pahwitee par weecheeng weesults owtsyd obs pwahsibol deenyabiwitee tat it akshuwawee hapended or noht wyks te utowr apokawypsees tat weewee dids not du much apawent tings esept por tohs whu wyk NU nd alslo wer ayblel tu suspens beeweev enuf tu pynd te TWOOF~!
but tas al otay! beekuz eye wuvs yu! nd eye onwee du wut eye du beekuz it iz te BESTEST ting por yu nd por eboweewun els!
esepts por te bad peepol whu du not gets wif te pwogwam...
buts tey mayds ter deesishun nd tat is wat te big tym disastor is por!
beesyds is teknikahwee te bestistest ting por tem eneeway...so ya...
is kompwikayteded big gorl chaynj te wohrld stuf yu dun habs tu hawohwee yor fwufee hed bowts it!
yol be jus fyn...
beekuz eye amzheeor!...tu mayks te wohrld a betowr pways !!
in kahwohzeeng eye wuld jus wyks tu weeitowayts tat eye amz te buhnee wabits nao
beekuz eye alwayz wuz!...hee hee...
nd eye m taykeeng my muhnee nao!
al obs tis muhnee tat habs ebowr ben kuwekteded by eeintay nd by tay tay
tat is myn...
nd eye am wuneeng wifs it!
eye am wuneeng par par away...
tas al weewee
tanks por weedeeng!

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