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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.44002250 [View]
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It's Unity. I don't particularly mind it but know many others do.

>what the demo is like
Medabots: Stay/Night
The dudes oversee the girls fighting each other and the winner takes a part of the loser's body. You can choose to start from either of the twin's routes (only one in the demo) and the main question is what will happen once one of the two takes all the body parts and "completes" herself.

Just my gut feeling so I could be wrong, but the game seems to be going in the direction of optional ero that could be removed for an all ages release. Which I'm not a fan of because I prefer for eroge to have the ero be heavily intertwined in the story.
The only thing that could be considered R18 we've seen so far is that sample cg of Kikyou beat up but that's more violence and not sex. Everything else is R15 at most and comparable to Higurashi, which the writer had a hand in on a spinoff title.

The music is good but the default settings makes it too loud and I had to turn it down to like 20% to hear the voices which are comparatively too low. Likely because they don't have a sound engineer on staff.

My main worries with the game are that it seems like they're on a shoestring budget and that they're playing the content too safe.
Nagaoka's not in very good health and all promotional material uses the same few cgs.
Eroguro is pretty well established by now but what we've seen so far from this seems a bit too tame and boring in an effort to stay tasteful for modern mass market.

Overall, the ambience is pretty different than sayooshi. There's not really any oppressive dread yet and is even pretty light-hearted with running gags. Even as a fan of sayooshi, I can't say I'm super excited about Geminism but would like to be surprised and proven wrong when it releases.

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