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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.41023425 [View]
File: 256 KB, 614x842, 6198927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.34604627 [View]
File: 257 KB, 614x842, 6198927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.34296997 [View]
File: 257 KB, 614x842, 6198927_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the old days but I still feel like a newfag. I don't think I started posting on 4chan and imageboards until 2008, maybe I visited the site in 2007 and thought it was a Photobucket clone(?), I was a 2011 fag on /jp/, I remember getting flustered about all the shitposting for some reason and trying to fit in until I stopped caring and started having fun. I lurked ED and everything I could find to figure out on how to not stick out and be annoying (I'm failing now), for some reason I just didn't care about the wapanese kawaii uugu boards when I got here even though I used to download anime and AMVs off Limewire/Kaazaa/BearShare/Morpheus/WinMX. I was an r9k gentleman, /mu/tant, 420/99 poster before arriving here in late 2010 early 2011 (same time I found KC), but it was like I missed out, even then it was filled with nostalgia for something I wasn't there to experience. All of those silly 4chan memes filtered out onto my forums back then because of memespouters (shoutout SB-C and that IRC wannabe Scene channel my middle school friend invited me to in 2005). I think I read every post on ED so I wouldn't stick out as the "cancer that is killing /b/", I probably posted 5 times in an entire year. Not an ancientfag, not an oldfag, not a zoomer, somewhere in between. This board is really the only consistently good place in all those years, but I'm not that nostalgic, things change, things go, things disappear. You must go with it and grow, that said I've been hikki neeto this entire time, but that will change too. I apologise for blogging so much, but it is my birthday, I'm nearly 30, and I have had a few. All of you are really good people. Shinku is best and most wonderful doll.

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