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>> No.40301923 [View]
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One recurring one that I had was me participating in a large-scale war of Gensokyo vs a demonic invasion (I blame Doom for this). One particular sequence featured me facing off against one of the archdemons leading the invasion, barely beating him and getting nursed back to health by Yuuka.

>> No.39492007 [View]
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For me, pure cute is just as boring as pure grim - I prefer my fantasy worlds nuanced with different factions having different outlooks and approaches.

Then again, the dialog in the mainline shmups is vague enough for multiple interpretations to be possible.

>> No.38083280 [View]
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My 2hy daydreams are generally broader in scope. The most frequently recurring one starts with me somehow ending up in Gensokyo armed with a longsword and wearing a gambeson, fighting Rumia and eventually settling down in the human village, but still going out to study magic with Patchy, sharing my scientific knowhow with the Kappas, polishing my martial skills with Youmu and Yuugi as well as getting to know Yuuka.

However, this idyllic life doesn't last. One day, an experiment set up by Patchouli reveals that certain beings from beyond, called the Outer Gods have caught an interest in Gensokyo and an invasion of otherworldly horrors is imminent (whenever this scene appeared in my dreams words "In a fortnight they'll be here, legions of the nameless fear" would ring in the distance). Everyone with any fighting capabilities are rallied to Gensokyo's defense and before long the fighting breaks out, with eldritch horrors, demonic sorcerers and cybernetic abominations made of flesh and metal pouring out of rifts in spacetime.

From this point, my fantasies/dreams tend to get a bit muddled, but they usually involve various scenes of battle (a bit like pic related, but with both sides visible) with many humans and lesser youkai perishing while holding the line. In the midst of it all, I aid the fighting as much as I can using whatever magic I managed to learn, strength of arms and scientific knowledge. Other notable scenes include Kogasa reforging my broken longsword and shortly after getting killed by The Black Pharaoh (an avatar of Nyarlathotep and the leader of the invasion force) in a heroic attempt to protect the human village. Eventually the war culminates with Reimu, Marisa and me facing said Pharaoh, the skirmish drags on for quite some time, with Reimu and Marisa bearing the brunt of the horror's assault eventually being forced to retreat due to injuries and leaving me alone to face the weakened foe. The clash between us ends with me plunging my sword through his chest and banishing him from this plane. The scenario itself ends with me coming around in a bed made of flowers with Yuuka cuddled up next to me.

That was quite disjointed as it was made up from several daydreams, nightdreams and fantasy scenarios. I blame my unhealthy obsession with Doom and the writings of HP Lovecraft for this.

>> No.35929892 [View]
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I've been having somewhat of a recurring dream lately. I sort of posted about it on one of the previous threads, but since it has returned twice more over the past week, I'll provide more details.

The beginning was very similar in all three cases (although I can't recall the 1st one clearly) - I'm in the SDM library chatting with Patchouli about medieval alchemy, eastern mysticism and their relation and compatibility with modern scientific developments whilst performing some sort of experiment. Suddenly, Patchouli glances at our apparatus and recoils in shock. During the last two recurrences I've heard the lyrics from "Axes of Evil" by 3IOB - "In a fortnight they'll be here, legions of the nameless fear" (not sung by anyone in particular, but seemingly echoing from the distance).

From this point on, all dreams turned into a somewhat disjointed set of visions, most of them from the bird's-eye view (the sets differed between each dream). Most of them, however, featured scenes of battle with various 2hus fighting off the encroaching hordes of lovecraftian abominations and demonic creatures made of flesh and metal (kind of like the demons from Doom). The more detailed scenes featured things like Alice's doll army defending the northern approaches to the Hakurei Shrine by holding the Forest of Magic and the Haniwa Army Corps fending off assaults on the Youkai mountain (pic related is pretty close to this one) and most other 2hus that I'm familiar with aiding in Gensokyo's defense - Suika leading a contingent of oni and Shikieiki reincarnating the souls from the underworld into Patchouli's magical constructs to bolster the faltering defenses. Some more tragic scenes included Orin sacrificing herself in a successful attempt to block the demon host from entering the Nuclear Furnace and Yuuka's garden getting torched despite her best efforts.

I also saw myself a few times, mostly from a third person perspective. The first scene was Kogasa forging a longsword, glistening with blue light, for me shortly before she died in a last ditch effort to protect the human village from being overrun. Another one featured me helping Nitori with optimizing the weaponry she placed on the Youkai mountain (apparently powered by Utsuho's nuclear sun).

The most memorable scene featured me, Reimu and Marisa going against the leader of the army ravaging Gensokyo (presumably Nyarlathotep, although his exact identity was hard to tell as he manifested as a roughly humanoid blob of darkness and could change form at will). This last vision was quite interesting, since, unlike others, it appeared twice, albeit in two different versions. In the first version, which was a little unclear, the killing blow was struck by either Reimu or Marisa, while the second version featured a protracted battle with both sides wearing each other down until I was left standing on my weakened legs face to face with my severely diminished yet still formidable foe. Reimu and Marisa were lying next to me, alive, but heavily wounded as they bore the brunt of his prior attacks. I raised my sword in preparation to strike the fiend, who deflected my first blow by conjuring a fiery blade of his own. Our exchange went back and forth with both sides taking and landing hits, unable to break the stalemate. However, my otherworldly foe was clearly winning this war of attrition so I had to think of something quick. My moment came when he, frustrated by my endurance, raised his sword in a reckless strike, which I barely managed to counter with a schielhau, deflecting my opponent's blade and piercing his chest at the same time. My shining blue sword (presumably the one forged by Kogasa in an earlier scene) went straight through his heart, causing the daemon to immediately disintegrate. My dream self fainted straight after, causing me to wake up.

>> No.35831175 [View]
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The 1st part sounds like a dream that I've had some time ago, except mine was actually touhou related. The details are muddy, but I dreamed that Gensokyo was under attack by hordes of lovecraftian abominations coming from outer space and all 2hus had to join forces in its defense.

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