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>> No.15784374 [View]
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"Chowder is a smelly writefag and his stories could be better."

There. Now there's no problem.

>> No.15430611 [View]
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Which is why you write, you tard-tart.

Let me tell you a story.
For ages, and I mean well over a year, I've had a writefaggotry idea. My personal favourite story idea, and for all that time, I thought it was too good for me to write. An epic, character-driven adventure, with multiple chapters and all. And here's me, who's pretty much only ever written a smut pieces that all fall under 100,000 words easily.
So I thought to myself, "Well, I'll just get better. Write other things until I consider myself good enough to write what I see as the magnum opus of my eyes."
Then, about a month ago, I realised that thinking that, I was never going to write that story. Never ever, and it'd go to my grave with me, with a few first chapter drafts and planning notes decaying on my hard drive, bit by bit until it's scrubbed from this world entirely.

If you ever think, "I'm not good enough to write, and I don't have the drive for it, so I should wait until I have the drive, then I'll get good," then you will never, ever write.

It's as simple as that, and I'm sorry to say that >>15430456 is dead wrong.
You don't wait for the drive to just magically come to you. You write, and you write, and you write, and if it's not good enough, you keep writing until people say "Hey, I like this," not until you think to youself "I'm good enough to write this."
The professional author is just the person who kept writing, improving themselves until one of those people who said "Hey, I like," just so happened to be in the publishing industry, and got that person a short story in some monthly publication which received utterly average reviews.
The sad sap who had childhood dreams of becoming an author like their writing hero, but grows up to do a shitty 9-5 office or supermarket job with no future is you, thinking that you aren't good enough, won't be good enough, and just needs to wait "Until the time is right."
"You just have to feel the need to"? No, fuck you. Write and learn, write and learn, write and learn.

I'm about 20,000 words into my big story, and it is nowhere near good enough to show another person. Writing it is HARD, and I have to push myself just to type the next word. But it is FUN, and I am pushing myself. I'm writing it, and when I'm done, I'll be glad I did it.

So, >>15430440 and >>15430456, why aren't you writing? What's your excuse?

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