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>> No.40506789 [View]
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Playing Dota 2 as Yukari. Can pick between two Ultimates, a very good blink, Sukima, or Pheonix's Supernova. I thought it's lame you could only have one, Aghanim's Scepter should give you a downgraded version of the one you didn't pick

Go up to a tree that was on the inner side of a dirt road corner. Had Simon's Necronomicon, trying to read it but didn't want people driving around to see me. I nestled back into the tree whose trunk divided into two, so only people in the very middle of the turn would be able to see my back. Opened it, the pages were damaged by water. I saw a cursed page about a Sunlight Warrior not fulfilling his duty by doing nothing
Somewhere, something was happening to Izanami but I was doing nothing apparently figuring it would be ok.
Walked along a road. There was some computer thing I used to look at League of Legends where they had Yukari as a character. I thought she didn't look quite right, being Western, something about her eyes, but that it was still pretty mm!
Practicing with my ultimate, an ia strike with a blue katana that caused a huge water slash. You had to charge it in its sheath properly for a second which I often failed to do. I was saying I often use this move on people below half hp then we autoattack eachother to death and I die because I misjudged their health
In a classroom/lab, looking at a row of cursed plant bulbs dangling from my lower belly. A guy who wanted to do experiments with that kind of plant sees them, looking interested. Another guy sees them and looks horrified, I pull my shirt up showing off another row growing from the bottom of my chest. He asks "Does it hurt?" I say "Eh, not really" though they stung a little from shaking around when I lowered my shirt
Some other cursed belly dream, hairy. Related back to the Necronomicon page somehow
I was walking towards a doorway. I saw "Divine Mercy" as a poster to its right. I lost interest thinking it was Jesus, but as I passed through I noticed it was labeled God
Hanging out a table with a dumb christfag I know, friendly
On a dirt road near that corner, playing with a barbed wire fence I just wound it around myself for some reason. Yukari comes up behind and steps on it to get my attention, we've got to go. I say "sorry" because I've wound myself up. Maybe because she helped, it was extremely easy to pull off in a second, then we run. The Devil chases us, red devil in a suit. Yukari hides in a side room while I'm beyond the door trying to get his attention. He ignores me trying to go into the room so I hit him with a blue weapon, then dragged him against a wall. I pulled out a silver blade, slathered it in garlic and stabbed him in the back, also did something else anti-devil. I heard Yukari in the side room acting like she was impressed "you stabbed him" and something else. I wasn't sure if she was genuine, also thought The Devil was acting for me.
Sitting outside at a desk with someone, for some reason I wasn't sure if I would end up being with Satori or Yukari. Someone coming over from a little hill with others called out "It doesn't matter which, the change is already in effect" I said "Yukari said that?" they said yeah, and pointed up into the sky so I knew she did when she said it. After a second of wondering whether or not I'm going to be with her I slam my head into my desk, then shout "why does she have to be so vague?"
Used an "attack" where I levitated in the air while being pierced by large Bloodborne frenzy spikes, the people around me were also frenzy spiked
Woke up and there was a lingering "TV screen" in my vision that was quickly flashing through what looked like very nice dream scenes. I thought "紫好き" at it for a few seconds before it dissipated, wondering if that's what I "watch" my dreams on when asleep
Woke up seeing a picture of Parsee with a noose
In a classroom, there's some people passing by me talking about the leader of Xbox being a jock, saying something-akuma repeatedly. I repeated akuma a couple of times myself
Bart comes to a desk to collect an old chapter 139 of a Bender manga, there was also a new version of the same chapter that had 139 at the bottom but 131 in another spot. Some people talking like he might be interested in this new version and he acts like he is but after they go he leaves the new version behind
I see Yukari, I go over to her and show her something. She looks at it intently, not breaking her gaze while I hug her, kiss her elbow and say "please come and marry me Yukari."
In a classroom, at my desk with the suspense of whether I'll be with Yukari or not driving me mad. Think about ditching school to go home and draw her
False awake in bed. Whether or not I'll be with Yukari is killing me. Sit up on my knees, praying while rolling my eyes skywards, saying "Ok God, you win. I'll stop being lazy. Please let me be with Yukari." Then I notice three little things in my bed, one thing I don't remember, an orange thing, and an orange Chupa Chup, which I pick up

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