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>> No.44496123 [View]
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>> No.42649762 [View]
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She seems like someone who would try to downplay her obsession and laugh it off. She's self aware enough to know that her behavior is a bit erratic and tries to hide it so it doesn't put you off. Despite the confidence she likes to project, she's actually too cowardly to make her feelings known and continues to dig herself deeper into a hole trying to find alternative ways to get you to "see" her.

Like she'd come up to you after seeing you have an innocent conversation with another woman to ask you who that uggo was and criticizing something about her appearance before laughing like it was a joke. If you make some kind of plan with another woman she'll squeeze herself into those plans or just show up uninvited during your outing, all while trying to crack jokes and acting like she's not trying to prevent you from being alone with other girls.

You'd find it weird because she wasn't always like this. You wouldn't be friends with her at all if she was always an abrasive dickhead, after all. Her behavior just seemingly changed out of the blue one day. Though you didn't know it, that was the day when she realized that she had feelings for you. This kind of feeling was entirely new to her but she knew that she didn't want it to get in the way of this friendship tried to suppress it. Unfortunately, she did this very poorly. Before, she didn't mind that you had other female friends but now she couldn't stand the thought of you being alone with them. Whenever you went to spend time with another, her mind raced with all sorts of possibilities. Maybe that friend would fall for you as she did and she hated that thought. Maybe you'd fall for that friend instead, a thought that she hated even more. She knew she was being irrational but she couldn't stop her mind from bombarding her with these scenarios and she hated that most of all.

Marisa knew there was an easy way to resolve this, which was by simply telling you how she felt. Maybe you'd finally take her into your arms and make all those thoughts disappear. Just a couple of words and it could all be over. Or maybe this friendship could be what was over. Maybe you wouldn't feel the same and reject her, then things would be too awkward between the two of you to ever return to the way things were. She was more afraid of this than she desired to get rid of all her paranoia so she kept her mouth shut.

Eventually you confront her on her behavior and once again, she tries to laugh it off. She said she was just playing around and promised to stop if it bothered you so much. That was good enough for you and you trusted her to keep her promise. Things were different in Marisa's head, however. She did intend on honoring this promise for your sake but her paranoia also told her that you were now going to be taken away from her. She promised that she wouldn't insert herself into your plans uninvited but that was all that she promised. She was still a magician and had other means to keep you away from others.

Things had been strange for you lately. Whenever you made plans with someone they seemed to either fall ill or have some sort of accident happen to them. You brought this up to Marisa when you visited her but she simply said that some people were unlucky and things like that just happen sometimes. Still, it seemed too strange for it to be a coincidence. Marisa said that if it would make you feel better she'll look into it to make sure it's not anything paranormal, which put you at ease. You told her that you were glad to have such a reliable magician for a friend, which put a big smile on her face. She quickly turned around and said that she was going to make some tea to save herself a little embarrassment. Unbeknownst to you, the gears in her head were still turning. Marisa knew she only had so much time before those women recovered from her hexes. She had to strike while she still could and make it count. She made two cups of tea. One for her and one for you. Marisa really didn't want to use such a dirty trick, especially on you, but felt she had no choice. In yours she poured a bit of a love potion she made. Just enough that your thoughts would still feel like they are your own. With that done, she returned and placed the tea in front of you. You took a sip and began conversing with her as you always did.

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