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>> No.6217654 [View]
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>> No.6094095 [View]
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>> No.5818055 [View]
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>> No.5433362 [View]
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Clearly it is, because it's already making you mad.

>> No.5315905 [View]
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>we feel cumming inside?

Speak for yourself.

>> No.5306098 [View]
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>my face when u mad

>> No.5276258 [View]
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>my face when u mad

>> No.5219887 [View]
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>> No.5212257 [View]
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>> No.5136221 [View]
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>I guess I have to make it simpler for people like you.
So simple that it leaves you no reason to finish your own argument, I suppose? It's a shame that you let the way something is worded get in the way of you actually making sense in anything else you say.
See >>5135634 again; in the situation described, the only option is to either guard normally or RG, on hit it's a hitconfirm and in block it can't be reversaled, nor is their any way to throw. So learn2read yourself, as refusing to RG there will get you pinned, nothing more, nothing less.
Oh yeah, let me grab a "u mad" image while I'm at it so you have even more incentive to make fun of me or whatever.

Yeah, I think I've played this enough now, GGs Akagi.

I thought Soku random select was sentient, this dumb thing gave you 90% Mayu and me only characters I'd never even used before, with an exception or two. I swear you rigged the thing. Still had barrels dohohoho of fun though, lot of silly shit going on. Keep up the good work on wakeup mashing/airteching less; unless, of course, you have Makoto or somesuch, in which case DP ON WAKEUP ALL THE TIME. Did you see that shit? That's how glorious wakeup DP is.
It's like I'm really ZomB!

>> No.3985174 [View]
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>> No.3791419 [View]
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this board:

>> No.3779599 [View]
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>> No.3762074 [View]
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>> No.3668452 [View]
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>implying you didn't, when you did

>> No.3463384 [View]
File: 78 KB, 343x256, U MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3399623 [View]
File: 78 KB, 343x256, U MAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone in this thread

>> No.3327378 [View]
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>> No.3255680 [View]
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Now you're just confusing complaining for a valid reason with "BAAAWWW I LOST." I wasn't even saying that because of how well you used her, but form a general perspective of how easily she can control matches with little effort.
She has NO trouble whatsoever controlling the screen and her SCs are the cheapest of anyone's; and while she may not have the stupid amount of damage Youmu does, she has the ability to control every block and every whiff from anywhere on the screen if used right.
Hell, if it makes you feel better I'll admit that Suika - one of my mains - has easily earned a place up there in the broken pile.
This game has no balance, and just because you use somebody who has ridiculous advantages over the rest gives you no right to make accusations just because somebody else doesn't like it.
Calm down.

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