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>> No.37795238 [View]
File: 728 KB, 1000x619, __kazami_yuuka_touhou_drawn_by_yagami_mukage__46f6ae60436f468fb8637c6bd02c4833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Standing in the ruined doorway was a tall blonde woman with a single red battle-scarred horn protruding out of her forehead. She was wearing a plan white shirt with a red border and long blue skirt with stripes of red fabric that went from the waistline to the hem and came off it in a triangular pattern which continued around the skirt's whole circumference. She had on thick geta which made her even taller. Her outfit wasn't very imposing, but it was her face, so twisted in rage that it resembled one of the Four Heavenly Kings, that frightened me. She slammed a muscular arm into the doorframe, sending splinters flying, and her wrist chains rattling loudly. I guess those were a fashion statement among Oni. Yuuka stood up in a defensive posture, even though the front of her shirt was still opened, and her hair was wildly disheveled. But she no longer had the demeanor of a drunk person, and her cool and collected wrath could be felt emanating off of her.
"hey, hey Yuugi, come on I'm sure it was mistake!"
The little girl Oni, Suika, was back and tugging on Yuugi's arm, but know avail. Yuugi and Yuuka stared at each other in a tense stand off, before Yuugi's voice boomed.
"The hell is this Yuuka! We give you our best sake, and here you are frolicking with some weakling human, while we have been throwing up our guts due to the poison that you give us."
"What are you talking about Yuugi?"
Yuugi threw the torn open package from earlier on the floor. Deep purple flowers could be seen spilling out. Yuuka turned to look at me, with her eyes narrowed, and said all that she needed to say with a glance.
Her eyes were saying, "You messed up , idiot. Those aren't the characters for Ibuki and you grabbed the wrong package. You're definitely going to pay for this mess later."
Yuuka turned back to Yuugi, "Are Oni so dumb that they have to act like dumb brutes at every opportunity? If you had used your brain you could have figured out--"
"ENOUGH, I didn't come to chat!"
Yuugi lifted up her hand to prepare an attack. Suika has hanging onto her arm.
"Waaah Yuugi no! Let's just talk this out with Yuuka, c'mon have something to dri--"
Yuugi dove back out of the doorway taking Suika with her, just barely dodging the mass of bullets which Yuuka produced. The rest of the doorway and most of the front wall was now filled with holes and splintered.
"Ara, you really do cause me so much trouble. Stay here while I take care of this."
My mouth agape, and still a little drunk, I complied. Yuuka buttoned up her shirt, took up her parasol, and walked out of the house. Meanwhile I watched taking cover behind the ruined wall. Outside the battle begin immediately. Danmaku were flying off in every direction through the night sky, with neither side gaining the upper hand. While I watched Suika ran inside and sat down next to me. She drank from her sake gourd hen said, "Sheeesh. What's the matter with Yuugi. I figured that this was all due to a mistake, but Yuugi wouldn't listen. She just wanted to fight. All she said was 'That Yuuka is supposed to be pretty strong eh?' and then marched over here. Oh well."
I said nothing except seized the gourd and took a large swig.
"H-hey! ah you know what, you probably need it, have another."
Suika patted me on the shoulder and we both passed the gourd back and forth while watching the fight.
Yuugi had closed the distance on Yuuka and begin to attack her with her fists and feet. But Yuuka effortlessly and gracefully dodged all of these until she was standing right in front of the wall where we were hiding behind.
"Stop dancing around like a coward and fight me!"
Yuugi raised her hand and a wave of heat flashed outward. I barely dodged out of the way, falling on top of Suika.
"Kyaaa get off of me you pervert!"
Suika was clearly just joking though as she continued to drink sake while under me. I got back up and looked out of the now charred wall, more of which had been blown away. In the area of her attack, the grass had all been scorched, and the nearest flowers were burned and wilted. Part of the house was even on fire. Yuuka continued to attack, shooting a curtain of complex patterns with curving arms that resembled flower petals at Yuugi.

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