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>> No.15348304 [View]
File: 65 KB, 546x839, 1453460461194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

W-why anon, what a big d-dick you have!

>> No.14896575 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, velour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since there was an update on the VN project, might as well make a post. I was planning to show something off for valentine's day, actually, but it fell through.

VN is progressing slower than before, but still moving. Some revisions were done and the overall direction and tone of the story changed a little bit after consulting with a trusted editor and getting some feedback. We're still far from the second stage, but I'm pleased with the way the routes are all shaping up.

overview and profiles/beta characters: http://pastebin.com/ZdmLSzDd

Some minor updates were made to the character profiles I've shown off before, and one or two names were changed. Also, the short story sample linked inside is now canon to the world lore. That, and an older document that used to contain vague chapter overviews and quotes has been removed due to becoming outdated/obselete.

As always, I'll do my best to answer questions regarding anything that isn't directly related to the main plot or the events of the routes, and your ideas and feedback are always more than welcome. That guy that wanted the MC named Demetrius Rayquan notwithstanding.

I hope to have a short sample of one of the routes ready by this time next month, but I'm not setting any hard deadlines for this project , and I won't be officially taking on collaborators as of yet.

Thank you for your interest.

>> No.14539070 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, come on now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14519131 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, 746147c050d4e9559b6fd1764c160845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good evening, monster girl thread. VNfag here. Just thought I'd pop in and say that the project is, in fact, still ongoing.

I don't really have much to show that I haven't already, not without spoiling anyone, so I'll just answer questions or take suggestions for the time being. Most of the core material is locked in at this point, but I'm still interested in getting input.

Character bios and outline:

Spoiler-free samples and previews:

I ran an improvised CYOA thing about working at a MG host club a while back that I wouldn't mind resurrecting if people were interested. I have nothing to do right now and need a break from VN shit.

>> No.14347280 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, 746147c050d4e9559b6fd1764c160845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think they're close enough.

I've always personally been a fan of wolves, but anubis are growing on me fast since I started coming here.

>> No.14297025 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, 746147c050d4e9559b6fd1764c160845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit late in the thread, but I don't want to leave this one hanging.

I'm the tripfagging asshole that came on earlier in the week, talking big about a monster girl VN project. I've made the ridiculous wall of text even longer by adding in some of the characters that were scrapped in the first draft, and making a few subtle edits to the profiles. Please, read them if you're interested and have the time. The whole reason I'm bringing my shit here is for constructive feedback.


In addition, I've gone and thrown together a short story outside the events of the VN to showcase my style of writing and provide you with some OC.


While this is unrelated to the routes I have planned, and these characters are not planned to be reused, this is the style of narrative you can expect to encounter, and some of the themes and ideas in here are also present in the rough draft. I thought that since I never had any dragon girls planned at any point, it would be nice to show a little dragon love in this short story. Maybe if inspiration strikes I'll come up with something similar for hellhounds, since they're growing on me fast.

Thanks in advance, I feel like this project could develop into something great with your feedback.

>> No.14274732 [View]
File: 63 KB, 546x839, 746147c050d4e9559b6fd1764c160845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me to fuck off if you want, I don't know if this is the right place to ask. I won't press the matter, and I'll leave without a fuss.

I'm an author, and I'm currently working on a non-lewd monster girl romance VN, complete with handholding, dates, crying on shoulders and falling asleep on laps. I've got a framework of the story and characters laid out, but I want to get feedback from people who care about the subject, as it's supposed to pay homage to Monmusu, MGQ and other monster girl fiction.

I'm not looking for collaborators just yet, I just want feedback on the original characters I've laid out and ideas on their looks and personalities. I want to make sure I'm getting some variety and not just creating my own personal harem. I'll also answer any questions that come up.

If you've got time to read a massive wall of text, I've got the proposition document, in-depth character bios and all of the most important info here. http://pastebin.com/ZdmLSzDd

I'll also share my previous work as a writefag, but only if requested. My book that was published was signed under my real name, so for professional reasons I'll have to keep that to myself. Sorry.

I hope to hear your ideas and get a discussion going. This could be a lot of fun, even just to discuss. I look forward to working with all of you.

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