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>> No.18849471 [View]
File: 988 KB, 1336x1392, pissu pantsu gaijin .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm about to tell you might sound eerily similar to the type of horror stories that recent resident punching bag Derek Vasconi writes, but I assure you of its veracity.

It was a cold January night.

Japan had only just seen in the New Year, and after a few days of spending time with their families, celebrating another successful year of hard work and resting in preparation for the next, idols were returning to Tokyo to resume activities. Stomachs filled with delicious dishes from their hometowns, and a pat on the back from their parents wishing them the best of luck with their idol activities, they could not have known what horror the night would bring upon them.

A standard taiban, with the wota they know so well, with their fellow idols they always share a laugh with in the dressing room. It was an ordinary event like many of the hundred odd ones a budding Tokyo chika idol group would do every year. At least, it was supposed to be.

Don't get me wrong, the song and dance proceeded without a hitch. The atmosphere was electric, the wota so happy to see their idols, and the idols so happy to be on stage again. The girls felt on the top of their game, this was going to be their year. And it would have been, if not for... Him.

While the performances had gone without much trouble, there was something off. Something they had all noticed. A new face in the crowd. Bieber hair. Unkempt beard. An unnerving smile. Group after group, The Man's soulless, consuming gaze did not fail to send a chill down each of their spines as they took to the stage for their sets. Fear had been struck into their hearts. Fear of who this man was, fear of what He might do come buppan. An almost primordial fear, fear that was rightly held.

Our girls the ravens, There There Theres (TTTs), were the unfortunate victims of what I can only describe as a humanitarian catastrophe, a terror not felt by the Japanese since 11/3, or the Aum Shinrikyo subway gas attacks. For The Man had consumed copious amounts of an unidentified liquid, and was left intoxicated. In this state, He had found his target: Kai, from TTTs. He wanted a cheki, and nothing was going to keep him from getting it.

A poor girl, her first time seeing the group she so passionately supported over the internet from her home up in Hakodate, was the first to fall victim to his onslaught. Standing in the line to take a cheki with Kai, she was brutally assaulted by The Man, who had felt that it was his right to get a cheki with Kai next. Despite The Man's short stature, she quickly fell to his blows. Repeatedly yelling, "KAI-CHAN, KAI-CHAN! CHEKI KUDASAI!" the stench of sulfur from his unholy mouth stung the eyes of any who tried to restrain him, as He continued to trample the poor girl.

Now, if He had bought a cheki ticket, giving him the opportunity to take one with Kai, He might have been forgiven as just another foreigner, slightly too eager and uninhibited to follow common social conventions. But The Man instead attempted to pass off his Suica card, a card used in the Tokyo transportation system for the fast and easy payment of fares, as a cheki ticket. Suica cards are not accepted legal tender in the purchase of cheki.

Luckily, The Man's vicious attack was soon put to a halt. He was apprehended by another foreign wota, an ex-French military serviceman identified only by his beret. When the Beret managed to pull him off the girl and away from Kai, as a last resort The Man attempted one final, despicable act. He pissed himself. Like a frightened animal, The Man unleashed the contents of his bladder all over himself, and all over the poor girl he had physically assaulted, denying her her cheki, and her dignity.

Tossed out to the cold by the brave Beret, The Man stalked the venue for a while after, occasionally eating trash off the ground to sate his appetite, and screaming "TADAIMA" at passersby for whatever reason. He eventually disappeared, allowing the trapped wota and idols to finally return home.

It was only a few minutes, but the havoc The Man had wrought forever changed the lives of those affected. Poor girl was traumatised, never attending an idol live again, and Kai took a few days off from performing, shaken by what she had seen transpire before her. The venue had suffered property damage as well, due to the tables knocked over and glasses broken in the struggle, with the floor needing to be replaced due to The Man's unremovable piss stains.

Only a single photo from that cursed night remains, and to this day it's only spoken of in whispers. Whispers of the... Pissu Pantsu Gaijin.

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