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>> No.46768919 [View]
File: 254 KB, 850x650, __yakumo_ran_touhou_drawn_by_kinketsu__d314f35a0abd7dc37bbcf8d61e65945b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seiga's eyes only have a moment to widen before she’s slammed down into the ground.
Mima “Now…” Mima takes a deep breath as she twists the burnt hermit’s hair in her hand, a red gleam in her eyes. “you're finally going to…” Before noticing that the Hermit had lost her hairpin somewhere along the way in their fight. “No.”

Seiga smiled as Mima put the piece together. “Surprise~”
In a flash Mima swung her knife, severing the Hermit’s head from her shoulders and cutting cleanly through the tree root behind her. The head smiled as it dissolved into mist.

The Hermit had used a decoy, her real body, her hairpin, the item in which she stored her soul, had not been in the wicked Hermit’s hair when Mima caught her.

Mima seethed as she turned back to her station, both the hermit and witch knew she couldn't commit to a chase, even if Seiga didn't know of the entire operation, she was canny enough to have a clue of what they were planning.


Ran trailed her hand along the wall as they briskly walked through the former structure of the HSE, while she was currently still Yukari’s Shikigami and Chen, in turn, was hers, they couldn’t risk disconnecting from Yukari until they were sure they were home free. But they also were severely limited in the abilities they could use as that would risk drawing Yukari’s unwanted attention.

Chen hummed smugly, wearing a laid-back and casual expression as she trailed behind Ran and Anon, completely confident in the abilities of her mother and believing entirely that they would escape without incident. Really this escape was all sorts of cool for her, for one thing, she wasn’t getting beat up by thieves trying to burglarize them. She had never forgiven Sakuya. Reimu and Marisa for that.

“The building’s new layout is certainly causing us some trouble” Anon dryly commented, as he walked beside Ran.

Ran shook her head non-comitally as Chen looked somewhere else, comedy never was his strong suit.

Taking another right turn down a needlessly elongated hallway, the three of them see a bevy of five otter spirits nearly on top of them, somehow without either them or the three escapees noticing the sound of each other’s footsteps. Four of them are the typical disembodied four-legged green spirits, frolicking around an anthropomorphic green otter spirit in a black suit and mask.

The leader looked up to Ran, her attention taken away from her subordinates. Just in time to see Ran rush forwards and for the Otter in the suit to be blasted back Ran suddenly sped up, releasing a shockwave.

Ran’s foot collided with one of the four-legged otters, kicking into another and causing both to be launched into a wall, exploding into a poof of green smoke on impact.

Immediately, the other two Otters tried to run to their boss, only for Ran to immediately catch up to them, obliterating each of them into a puff of green smoke with a kick.

The humanoid otter tried to hit Ran with its metal pipe, only for Ran to interrupt her with an elbow to the jaw, staggering the bipedal otter spirit. Followed by Ran delivering a gut punch, blowing a hole through the otter.

“Alright.” Ran sighs, shaking her smoking hand as the otter falls over and then disperses into a green mist.

Chen’s and Anon’s eyes widened at the sudden violence, while both knew that even a single person seeing them could risk Anon’s escape, neither had expected Ran to so suddenly decimate the first group they’d come across.

Ran flushes as she turns and sees the looks of surprise on Anon’s and Chen’s faces. She would have much preferred disposing of them in a more elegant manner but they were strapped for time and using gaps was too risky. “You shouldn’t worry about them Anon, either they’ll return to the animal realm or a new life.”

“Wa-Wow, what Aunt Yuuma said is true.” Chen’s eyes were full of stars. “You are a delinquent!”
“Chen! Don't say such things.” Ran decided she needed to have another talk to Yuuma about their shared past, and what exactly Chen was allowed to know about it.

Anon just chuckled in amusement.

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