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>> No.35704887 [View]
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Not him but I'll just post the few examples of the tiny shit he could have meant assuming he's not trolling (he probably is) and people can take it however they want.

>To an observer, the two warriors might seem as statues. Beneath the surface, however...
Description of a still lake changed to statues.

>All I can say is that those are the eyes of someone who'd beat down anything that came at her, big or small, and keep right on walking.
Rewrote an expression that sounds fine in Japanese but perhaps a bit awkward to some in English, (be it a boulder or a pebble) added "and keep right on walking" to the end.

Literalfags won't like any translation in existence because things will never be written exactly the same in the target language as they comprehend it in the source language. Like >>35703795 mentioned, the same piece of text can be conveyed in many different ways, often influenced by arbitrary views on how best to capture the abstract experience felt in reading the source in its original language. However, one could then say that that in itself does make all translations "objectively wrong" and that you should learn Japanese to experience Kamige in all their glory, similarly to David Lynch's opinion on watching movies on a phone: "If you're playing the movie on a telephone, you will never in a trillion years experience the film. You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness, that you think you've seen a film, on your fucking telephone. Get real."
Picrelated may be a very simple example of the "untranslatable" feeling Muramasa's prose gives off; its word choice, emphasis marks, and a single linebreak create an emotion difficult to transfer to English no matter how one might choose to go about it.

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