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>> No.40506673 [View]
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With my mother and grandmother. Granny is saying she wants to be a good role model to me. I reject them asking "How old am I?" They say "26" I ask "When does the human brain reach full development?" they hesitate to answer, I clarify "As generally accepted by scientists" eventually granny says "25." I say "I have no friends, and I have no family" and walk away. My mother's chasing me talking about getting me a job, but I push her away saying I'll find one myself. Follow a couple of schoolmates, going to a bar, talking about how I need to become more manly, and need a job, hoping the nearby bar worker would be interested. That bar worker comes up and mentions Bloodborne. I say "I've played over 10,000 hours of Bloodborne, I wish I'd used that time for better things." He says "You have bigger muscles than me", even though he's a bigger guy, I thought he mustn't lift at all.

Enter a Mcdonalds. I notice a black guy nearby is an exorcist, so I want to ask him to help with the "Astral dross" that's clinging to me. He acts annoyed, mentions me smoking weed, and refuses. I try to hand off some bud to a schoolmate, who asks where I got it, I say "Uh, my brother gave it to me." He calls me stupid, so I frisbee his hat away into a spiderweb, the big spider crawling on it. An employee asks what's going on, schoolmate covers for me saying "I really like spiders" I say "Based." There were unicorn decorations around the McD.

In a classroom, looking at pieces of Lapis lazuli. There's a large chunk of dull Lapis, and a small chunk of lustrous Lapis, like the piece I own. Hecatia comes into class, heading over and pointing at the whiteboard. She says we're in a false timeline that she's projecting as "icecream", some pictures of her eating icecream appearing. I point at someone in class and say, using Yukari's turn-of-phrase, "Ha! To me, you are just an icecream."

At the beach, since it was so shitty, we responded by changing, all of us now acting serious and smoking cigarettes, but this was shit too. A guy comes up to me saying "Haha, I made you get angry a bunch, I win." I look over at the sun, it was nearing the end of the day, and was partially eclipsed by a banana shape. I thought "bananas are funny" so I tell everyone lets go get bananas, they ask "Isn't it too late?" but I convince them. We run to a fancy store, we were supposed to have a membership to shop but we overwhelmed the clerk, grabbing bananas. Then we were running on the beach with bananas, chasing the day's fading light.

Looking at a 4chan Pokemon board, there's a Yukari sub-board. There's a bunch of low-reply threads, most of them have orange-purple pokemon. By far the most common pokemon was a giant Weezing evolution, with many pairs of arms growing out, one pair of them crossed to make it look cool, while it had Weezings and Koffings riding on its back. There was one thread OP of a Unicorn riding Flan.

In Dark Souls, fighting two leaping beasts, they couldn't get at me since I was up on a ledge, but I fell down and fell asleep somehow. There was an enemy with curse crystals next to me, so I was desperately trying to wake up, but got turned into a curse statue, barely able to resist averting my eyes from the sight.

Went into a neighbours' house party. Someone says he's summoning the Chinese The Devil to get me a job. A Chinese guy shows up, offering me a pizza delivery job. I say I've lost my license, so he says "Oh, nevermind." I say I'm getting it back in July, he says "Why didn't you say that, it is July." as he goes off to sort business out on the phone.

Playing a Touhou game as Flandre, Naster was watching. I fell asleep, I tried to struggle awake but got hit by a bullet. Actual Flandre shows up outside the game, showing off a Dark Wave-motion Cannon for me so that I knew how to use it.

I saw an extremely long image of a horrible grotesque red flesh gore filled sukima. I thought I shouldn't even be looking at this thing. I heard in my head "Mercy for the poor wizened child." so I repeated aloud "Mercy for the poor wizened child." At the very end it's a 4chan thread, someone reacts by posts a deer showing the white of its eyes like it's spooked, then a bunch of others start posting deer, lining up they're going to pull this horrifying image like Santa's sleigh

Yukari was with me as I was on the computer looking at a website I made about a black Eldritch tentacle Touhou, she looked intently at her. I tried to log into my site, I had set up a really huge pattern password, only remembering about half of it. Chasing a deer in a backyard, I herd it back in and shut the gate, one sheep seeming distressed by a wad of shit pulled in by the gate, so I kicked it away. Two deers then stood next to eachother, with a three-headed puppy between them on their back, I was stunned by this, then the deer stood apart and it was actually three puppies on top of eachother, but I thought it was no coincidence, having looked into Naberius before this sleep

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