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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.11609812 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey guys.

My friends and I love playing 12.3, but the weather effects tend to throw us off in-game. So, is there a mod that disables the weather effects? I tried Googling and finding some mods, but all I could find was the voice acting mod.

Touhou fighting game general, too.

>> No.11609803 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hey guys.

My friends and I love playing 12.3, but the weather effects tend to throw us off in-game. So, is there a mod that disables the weather effects?

Touhou fighting game general, too.

>> No.8930474 [View]
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Shouldn't we be getting a new Touhou fighter soon?

Soku is already quite old.

>> No.8839590 [View]
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8839590 cmon Who doesnt wanna play? Its fuuun!

>> No.8562534 [View]
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Haven't seen one of these in a while.
Guignol Quest Netplay thread

US East Coast here

>> No.8456963 [View]
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why haven't you been playing me /jp/?

are you too busy playing katawa shoujo?

>> No.8119263 [View]
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wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/
IRC: irc.rizon.net #hisouten
Other info: swr.guuchan.com

>> No.8095846 [View]
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8095846 US west

wiki: http://hisouten.koumakan.jp/
IRC: irc.rizon.net #hisouten
Other info: swr.guuchan.com

>> No.8086873 [View]
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8086873 US west

>> No.6812882 [View]
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Netplay anyone? I'm hosting now, but I can't guarantee it will work on this public network. Post and tell me you couldn't connected, and I'll connect to you instead.
port: 10800

>> No.5263068 [View]
File: 200 KB, 597x600, Touhou123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I just started playing Touhou Hisoutensoku, and was wondering if anyone here had any tips for newbs. I figured I'd ask her instead of /v/ 'cause I think more people play Touhou here.
I played Immaterial and Missing Power and Scarlet Weather Rhapsody a long time ago, I wasn't great at them. I'm just okay at fighting games in general, so I would like some advice.
I'd also like to know what's the best deck/card combinations for certain characters, etc. Oh, and if there's a link to all the characters regular special move lists would be great.
Thanks in advance, look forward to netplaying with you all someday!

>> No.4386917 [View]
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I can has 12.3 thread?

>> No.4121798 [View]
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/jp/, I'm a 33 year old man. I'm married and have a 14 year old son. I mainly play Touhou, and have been loyal to ZUN for about a year and a half now.

Today, for the first time, my son installed Touhou Hisoutensoku on his PC and started playing. I watched him graze his first projectiles. He messed around with each of the characters for a bit, before deciding on Sakuya.

I asked him why he didn't choose Sanae (I hate the miko with a fiery passion) and he responded, "She looks like a slut to me."

I have never been so proud of my son than that moment earlier today.

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