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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.46558491 [View]
File: 189 KB, 381x546, Ugaya_otokowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In actual 2hu canon? They are related to Eirin and one of them is Toyo's son, that's all we know.
Their legend counterpart are also kinda barren, Yori's is Ugayafukiaezu no Mikoto (picrel) who doesn't prominently feature in any stories aside from the one of his birth, in which Toyotama-hime, Toyo's legend counterpart, had to turn into a shark/crocodile thing to give birth. It is not explained how or why he married Tamayori-hime, Yori's counterpart, but it must've been real important considering that union gave life to freaking Jimmu. So he was born from a weird fish and is the father of Japan's first emperor. Not much.
Toyo's husband, Hoori has much more meat to him. Hoori was a hunter who had lost his brother's fishing hook, looking for it he wandered into the bottom of the ocean, instead finding Toyotama-hime, who helped look for the lost item. They later got married and Hoori spent three years living together, until Hoori got homesick (remember this one fact for the later part where I give my conspiracy theory). Hoori gave back the hook and Toyotama-hime got pregnant, making Hoori swear to not look at her while giving birth, which he does and discovers her true form. Toyotama-hime in shame goes back to the sea, never to return. Hoori later becomes ruler of a town and for half a century.
Now, that is what we know for certain and what the myths tell us, but I have reason to believe Mizue no Uranoshimako, the fisherman who found his way into the Lunar Capital and got cared for by the sisters, to be the same person as Hoori, and therefore, Toyo's husband.
This theory isn't the most sound one out there, I am by no means a 2hu lore expert, much less a knower of Eastern folklore, but I still believe there are some details said in CiLR that seemed odd.
First, the confirmation of the sisters marriage status. This one always rubbed me the wrong way, it seems almost out of character for ZUN to add an actual married character, much less one who is married to her own nephew. It comes out of the blue too, just Eirin casually saying it. It got me thinking about the intent behind such an odd addition, say you wanted to make your normally derivative characters into much closer to the source material, well, you do it by giving them characteristic from said material! Thus, Yori marries her sister's son, just like in the legend.
Kinda flimsy, I know, but that was what got me thinking...
Mizue no Uranoshimako is another name for Urashima Taro, a common folktale. It goes pretty much like it was described in chapter three of CiLR, fisher finds himself in a magical place, spends a while there, gets homesick, returns to his home to find himself centauries in the future and opens a box which ages him instantly. Some differences here and there, like how he was put in cryogenics to make him return 300 hundreds years later instead of time just passing differently, but...
There is another modification to the original which changes everything (cont.)

>> No.46205011 [View]
File: 189 KB, 381x546, Ugaya_otokowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you blame him for keeping things in the family? Who doesn't want an auntwife!

>> No.43941723 [View]
File: 189 KB, 381x546, Ugaya_otokowa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, ugayafukiaezu no mikoto
>wake up and eat a pure breakfast of peaches, prepared by my big breasted mom
>play some pure video games, so pure filthy earthPLEBS could never pass the title screen
>go out and see my beautiful auntwife training bunniegirls
>peek under their incredibly short(and pure) skirts
>go to /jp/ and destroy Yokai and hell propaganda with pure facts and pure logic
>have sex with my beautiful auntwife
>pussy so pure earthPLEBS tiny penises would get torn off
>repeat for a thousand years
Heh, feels good not being married to an impure Yokai beast.

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