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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.45556834 [View]
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No, YOU don't understand.

>> No.36921101 [View]
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Pixiv is kinda mainsteam. Apart from it and Twitter, where do japs post their works? captcha SDMhj

>> No.36652359 [View]
File: 355 KB, 512x512, 1583506120600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The winner:
- Gensou Shoujo Taisen - No contest, the best fangame series in existence, not just in Touhou. Even without Touhou bias this is an amazing game series, especially 3 and 4.

Other Contenders:
Puppet Dance Performance - A better pokemon game than newer pokemon games.
Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - Very deep and very difficult dungeon crawler RPG, but lots of grinding.
Touhou Soccer 2 - A surprisingly very addictive and indepth game. You know its good when someone has an almost 300 page pdf guide written about it.

Other good games:
Luna Nights - Polished and very short metroidvania.
Blooming Chaos 2 - Cheesy and janky, but very fun roguelite.
Patchcon - One of my go to time wasters in general, and a fun tower defense-ish game.
Strawberry Bose games - They're all good, some of them RPGs some more parody games.
Tenjou no Tempest - Good and very flashy action sidescroller.
Scarlet Curiosity - Good Ys clone, not much else to say
Koumajou Densetsu - Difficult and "high budget" metroidvania, amazing artstyle and a lot of effort put into it.
Underrated/Hidden Gems:
TouDod (Touhou Dodgeball) - Incredibly simple but really fun game, another one of my go-to time wasters.
TouhouVS - A GvG type game similar to Sky Arena, it's pretty fun
Mugen Nise Sato - A pretty good Valkyrie Profile clone
Remifura Supirittsu - A megaman clone featuring Flan and Remi, and not a bad one.

There's so much fangames I've played I don't even remember all of them. There's also some pretty good ones already mentioned here like Treasure Hunter G.

>> No.33015735 [View]
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Damn, I didn't know anything about this. The fact that a lot of the VAs are very prominent and the circle seems small enough that it feels like its managed by the VAs themselves, which makes sense.
Combining Japanese tradition of separating your real life from entertainment and ZUN's ideals in regards to Touhou being non-corporate/non-mainstream, it really feels like that "seiyuus are 2hufags" is the truth doesn't it?
I should look into seiyuus being into Touhou more. With the Yukkuri phenomena and various sources outright saying that middle-school girls are getting into Touhou, it feels like its a natural progression since Touhou's beginning.

>> No.29998619 [View]
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I know ZUN loves his mythology puns and references, there's so many I might as well make a thread out of it so I can find out more niche ones.
I remember there's one really intricate one about Sagume with herons and Reisen but I can't recall the specifics.

>> No.23773630 [View]
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>> No.21175724 [View]
File: 355 KB, 512x512, b8qkgumnwwqz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to see more of the average touhou girl.
Here's a PC-98 era one

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