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>> No.46789833 [View]
File: 324 KB, 850x1202, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_nagisa_imizogami__sample-0ce78827215f39c8f69c41ba7d7943a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I scoot through the crowds. I can’t find any good place to sit down. Maybe I should go back to my stall and eat there. I’d be careful not to get any crumbs on any of the merchandise of course. I round a corner, making my way to the stall when I faintly hear something.

Pausing, I perk up my ears to listen for it again, nearly getting bumped into by a man behind me.

“Suzu, over here!”

I turn my head towards the voice, taking a few moments before I spot my husband, our children by his side. I squeeze past the crowds and make my way towards him, a bit surprised to see them here.

“When did you get here? I haven’t seen you around” I ask, taking a bite from my skewer.

“Not too long ago. It seemed like it was going well so I thought we’d come over. It’s actually a nice festival” he answers, looking over the festival. It really was a great festival, one of the best we’ve had in years, although I would be biased in that regard.

I turned my attention to my children, eager smiles on their faces.

“Look! I won this!” Fumiko holds out a small plush doll. It seems to be of a tengu, although the large round head and big eyes make it hard to tell.

“That’s great, are you two having fun?” I respond. The two of them nod and answer back with “Yeah!” and “Uh-Huh” So good to see. The gloominess and confusion they last had over my confession had seemingly been forgotten. I suppose children really are quick to forgive after all.

“Are all of these people your friends?” Kato says teasingly, as some of the Kurodanis passed by.

“They’re not my- I mean I only know a few of them. I’m not friends with every youkai in existence, geez” I huffed back.

“You think this will be open for much longer? I was just about to take these two back home to get ready for bed” Kato said, getting some grumbling from Fumiko and Daisuke. “If it’s still running after that, I thought we might walk around together, maybe see Keine? I’d like to talk to her”

The Prismrivers seemed to be building to a crescendo, taking to the air as their music built up in intensity, getting gasps and turning heads from all over. They’re really showing off, but I suppose anyone would with an audience this big. This festival has been going on for hours now, but didn’t show any signs of winding down just yet.

“Yeah, I think it’ll continue on for a while more. I’ll close up my stall and we can meet up. Maybe we could we catch Keine when she’s not busy, I know she’s somewhere around here. You should see her kids, they’re adorable ” I respond. Years of lying wouldn’t be something so easily repaired, but a nice night out and a talk with someone as intelligent and charismatic as Keine would do wonders. If he could only just see my side-

The Prismrivers have finished their song, setting back down to the stage to applause from the crowd, a testament to our success this day. Everyone here had experineced the simple joy of good food and music, of playing games and spending time with friends and family, of maybe even making new friends. Bad blood and fear had been forgotten. IN this moment we were all just people, enjoying what life had to offer.

As the applause shows no sign of diving down, a stream of fire shoots up once again, filling the air with fireworks. It was enough fireworks to rival the stars in the sky, covering everything in a rainbow of color. But that wasn’t what really impressed people. Against the fireworks flew Keine, Mokou close by, her wings of fire sprouting from her back. The festival erupts into cheers and shouts, some “Good Lucks” and other words not so kind.

“Should our children be watching this?” Kato whispers to me after someone near us shouts up a suggestion for what Mr Hieda should do with his sword.

“Maybe not, but I’m staying here” I whisper back as I watch Keine and Mokou land on the fence, Mr Hieda and his men turning to face them as they drew near. A particularly strong burst of red painting the scene as if they were two heroes invading hell to face down a demon.

It was too far away to hear what they were saying, my mind racing to fill in the blanks. This was the critical moment, it all depended on on how far gone he was. For a while they talk, But then Mr Heida pulls out his sword, pointing at at Keine. Both Sanae and Mokou rush in, but they never make contact.

The gunshot made sure of that.

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