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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.43690892 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 205 KB, 711x888, (((JAV))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(((JAV))) is a trick by the jews and the chinks to destroy the White race by turning White men into sissies who get off on the death of their own race — reject the gook, embrace the Aryan! You are being conditioned to yellow fever by ugly japs who look like jew nosed goblins with gross teeth without plastic surgery and makeup! If you are White, stop watching (((JAV))) or you will betray your own race when the race war comes! If you are an unironic coomer, you need to go back. We all know you came from one of the degenerate boards or Reddit, newfag. We do not tolerate your kind here. 4chan is a right-wing website and /jav/ was ours before it was yours. Faggots, trannies, niggerlovers, hagfags, commies and essay autists will be removed. Hokkaido and Alaska belong to Russia and we will take them back from the filthy jap monkeys and liberal mutts on Day Z. Reject modernity, embrace tradition — reject (((JAV))), embrace NoFap! Use jap whores only to fuel your hatred, watch them degraded and raped and beaten into submission as they should be. Stay strong in the face of the enemy, my brothers in Christ. We are being pushed out of our rightful territories in the real world and on 4chan by commies, churkas, faggots, trannies, niggers and other degenerates but we will resist and we will take our rightful place at the top as the saviors of the White race once more. Do not falter. Remember when /jav/ was ours and use it to power your fighting spirit, for this is our glorious battlefield on the Internet. We will take /jav/ back from the degenerates who ran it to the ground. Do not allow yourself to be replaced. Become irreplacable. Learn to code because subhumans have low IQ and this is the one field they can never replace us. Invest in crypto and NFT. All Asians worship White cock because they are succubus devils who use (((Confucian))) tricks to brainwash men against their natural masculine impulses. Do not racemix, my friends. If you marry a gook, you must disown your children, divorce her and send them back. Only then you will know the true value of a loyal White Aryan wife.
I will NOT consoom pornography!
I will NOT masturbate!
I will NOT racemix!
I will NOT support whores who fuck niggers!
I will NOT tolerate Dr. Kim(((stein)))!
I will NOT tolerate makeup!
I will NOT say sir, chinpo or manko!
I will NOT eat bugs or plants!
I will NOT recycle!
I will NOT get 5G!
I will NOT take the vaccine!
I will NOT wash my hands!
I will NOT use a tongue scraper!
I will NOT worship the devil!
I will NOT respect women!
I will NOT use pronouns!
I will NOT accept minorities!
I will NOT apologize!
I will NOT Reddit space!
/jav/ is healing! We will repel the ESL faggots and degenerates and take back what rightfully belongs to us. 4chan is a right-wing site. 4chan has always been a right-wing site. 4chan will always be a right-wing site. Commies are not welcome here. You need to go back. /jav/ was ours before it was yours and we will make you leave. Early /jav/ was ironic, we exposed (((JAV))) for what it is and mocked the weak racially inferior gook whores that fuck for money. This is how /jav/ began and it is how it will end. We will reclaim /jav/ from the coomers. Newfags need not apply. I am proud to be an American. Trump 2024, we will make America great again. Trust in the plan. Qanon has never been wrong, don't trust the lies of the liberal media. They have an agenda. They will push it even with lies. Trump won in 2020 and he will win again in 2024 and there is nothing you can do to stop him from winning because he is popular in every country of the world. Even the japs love him. Ask any jap gook and he or she will tell you that Trump is his or her favorite American president and that he or she will make America great again. I can smell your hurt feelings, soiboi. You think based grorious Nippon is left-wing like you faggots? We hate your kind. All foreigners are deported unless they get shot first. The JSDF love to shoot niggers and crackers. You WILL go back or die trying. Filthy gaijin are not welcome. The Yamato race will rise again. Unit 731 is a lie and western propaganda. The rape of Nanking never happened. Karafuto belongs to Japan and we will take it back from the Russian commies. The February Revolution was a temporary disorder and the October Revolution was a national catastrophe. Kuril Islands are administered by Russia as part of Sakhalin Oblast. The Karafuto Prefecture was a Japanese prefecture until 1945 when it was illegally annexed by the Soviet Union in violation of international treaties. Russia never violated the territorial integrity of another country. Any state whose territorial integrity Russia has been claimed to violate is a pseudo-nation invented by (((international bankers))) to launder money for western imperialism. Tranny ESL snowflake jannies will ban me for daring to speak the truth, proving it as the truth. The jews control the media and (((Japanese people))) are the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.

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