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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.10446408 [View]
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Japanese aren't really into kemono. They do exist there, but are shunned and are an incredibly tiny minority fringe compared to how common furfags are in the West.

A bored otaku there might fap to a couple humanized pics, but wouldn't really care about the show rather than simply good art. You know how bronies build up an unrealistic image about their show in their minds, you know, try to make it cooler/more important than it actually is? Yeah, Japanese would take that to another level and build up an entire alternate facade of the show, and then focus mostly only on that Japanese-version.

If the show turned out to be pretty popular then it might be possible for Japan to remake their own version (probably as humans), but I doubt that it would reach that point.

>> No.9102565 [View]
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Look at the character.
Think of words related to his profession.
Turn the word backwards.
Is it still pronouncable?
Use it.

elason (for a peddler)

The list goes on.

>> No.8553833 [View]
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Damn, has it really been ten years?

>> No.8360485 [View]
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We beat them, by the way.

>> No.8223316 [View]
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>> No.8100693 [View]
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I really, really wouldn't mind cosplay taking a nosedive, if it meant we could see fat narutards and such at Western cons getting arrested for infringement.

Attacking doujinshi, though? Yeah, that'd definitely do a great deal to kill the industry. I just wonder why Japan would even do this to itself, though? It's one of the only countries in the world with considerable soft power abroad; I've heard it stated many times that they wish to expand their cultural exports actually, as a way of helping their otherwise life-alert status economy.

>> No.8067917 [View]
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/jp/ shitposters meetup


You must be so proud of yourselves.

>> No.8064565 [View]
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/bun/ meetup, yes, all two of them.


>> No.7970176 [View]
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What? No, saying autism isn't real is just an excuse for pleading ignorance on the subject.

It is real, it's primarily caused by chromosomal inversion mutations. Trust me I studied this for a while out of curiosity, and am a molecular biologist; it's clear as day that it's a real disease. The thing is though different kinds and amounts of inversions lead to different types of autists. Some autists literally do nothing but rock in a corner babbling nonsense and smear their shit on the windows, some others are "high functioning" like Chris-chan although it's kind of dubious to me where the line between heavy aspergers and high functioning autism lies. It's kind of arbitrary on a per-person basis at the moment I think, although I don't follow journals on this or anything so I'm not truly up-to-the-minute on it. The fact that it varies in symptoms so much makes misdiagnosis common and causes much difficulties with public perception.

Assbergers seems to have a genetic basis as well, although I think misdiagnosis for that is way way way too common and hence people take it less seriously than autism.

One thing for sure though is that, for heavily autistic kids who have no future besides ruining their parent's lives (they call such cases a "life sentence), I think euthanasia should be an option. It should be for basically anyone who comes out too retarded to function imo, then again I'm a bit of eugenics advocate so whatever. Or at least it should be an option unless we got a cure for it, however, fixing genetic diseases is only in its infancy at the moment and those fucking "ethical" people keep holding back human clinicals and thus real progress towards cures.

>> No.7889362 [View]
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>he faps to drawings of ponies

>> No.7782968 [View]
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>4chan expert

>> No.7579517 [View]
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>Was it something he ape.jpg

>> No.7551439 [View]
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>I have no friends but will pretend I do on /jp/ while I cry and try to prevent the tears from getting stuck between my fat rolls

>> No.7448053 [View]
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Oh, how I wish this was true. Truly, that kid's life is less important than the quality of /jp/.

>> No.7208000 [View]
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Truly they are the most autistic. It wouldn't surprise me if CWC browsed there in secret, or even posted in that thread.

>> No.6524252 [View]
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Let's have VN/eroge OST thread /jp/

Which VN/eroge in your opinion has the best or otherwise good OST? I haven't played that many but I found Ever17's OST to be quite good. Some songs were mediocre but overall it was perfect for the trapped-under-sea mood. Especially this song


>> No.6289885 [View]
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Practice what?

The same lines my diabetic hands can make which closely resemble heart monitor patterns?

>> No.6285523 [View]
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>21st century
>belief in gods


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