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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.25184454 [View]
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>Be office worker
>Boss is replaced by Automaton
>Instantly fires or demotes managers and begins micromanaging for peak efficiency
>Can no longer browse twitter or watch youtube for hours without her being over my desk in a heartbeat
>Can't even go to the bathroom and just mess around on my phone till she's calling my personal number asking if I'm okay and need medical assistance
>Have to actually work for once
>Luckily she has other department to micromanage so while she's off yelling at accounting I have free reign to shitpost
>Unfortunately she actually realizes this and quickly hires more Automatons to manage us
>Even Ms. Anubis, the hardest worker in this department, is being slave driven by them
>Most coworkers quit besides me and the hardest workers
>Open positions are quickly filled by Automatons that do not require lunch, break or even sleep
>Surprised that even I'm still around as even Ms. Anubis quit after finding another job
>How I've not been fired yet is beyond me as I do nothing besides openly slack off
>Come into work wearing pajama pants, t-shirt I've slept in and slippers
>Wear wireless ear buds to drown out noise of frustrated Automaton manager telling me to work
>Pretend they're hearing aids even have a note from aunt who's a doctor
>Just want to be fired so I can collect unemployment and slack off at home
>Get sent to Boss again for another weekly chew out on my performance
>Automaton boss is smiling and is talking me in an actually nice tone instead of the usual condescending tone
>Tells me she's happy as I'm getting a promotion
>Promotion from a normal office drone to office cumpump
>Automatons need power to run and normal electricity is much less inefficient than spirit energy
>Forced to cum inside Automaton after Automaton
>Other office drones stifle moans keeping a deadpan face while working on their TPS reports
>Sometimes even bring me a water or when the managers aren't looking turn all lovey dovey turning around to kiss me
>Managers Take cruel delight in milking me while they compile the reports
>Deliberately grind their when I reach the edge on grounds that edging me causes a release of more making it more efficient due to the Sperm/Time = Energy equation
>Whenever boss needs her energy fix she milks me for everything I got and then some thanks to her recently imported gallon of Apophis venom, pack of 500 Manticore barbs and 100 jars of Alraune Nectar
>Tells she's happy she found a job I'm good at and is even more happy to promote me again from office cumpump to office husband

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