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>> No.45654240 [View]
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>>45629543 (48/?)

“It’s official, she’s lost her mind.”

Sariel levels Shinki a look, “You have only now realized that?”

Shinki gestures to the giant hell pool sword, “I always knew that woman had a few screws loose, but… I mean come on! I just don’t understand it. Does she honestly think that this will end well for her?”

Sariel doesn’t answer and instead stares off towards the pool of sin. Idly, Shinki ponders what would happen if she took a dip into the water. The pool is vast, but not infinite. Shinki could likely handle the power it contained and with it finish-

Ow! Something just hit Shinki on the back of her head, hard. “Sarieeeeeeeeeel that hurt why would you do that to me.”

The fallen angel looks unimpressed, “You were thinking something supremely stupid.”

Shinki gasps and clutches at her chest, “You wound me, I would never! That being said hear me out-”

Sariel cuts her off, “No.”

Ignoring the angel of death, Shinki continues. “If I took a little dip in there, I could probably absorb enough of the faith and sin to prevent the sword from properly forming. It’d be like… sucking out all the egg stuff so a chick starves. And with that eggy power, I could-”

Sariel again cuts Shinki off. “Alice gets it from you, though even she’d not be deranged enough to suggest something like that. Do you honestly think you could take on that faith tied to sin and not be warped by it? We worked hard to get to this point and you are willing to give that away?”

Shinki looks off into the vastness of Old Hell sheepishly, “Well… when you put it like that it’s… it was a joke! Haha, tricked you.”

Sariel ignores that comment, “I can’t imagine anyone will able to handle that thing when it’s formed. There’s no way Yukari wins here. If she attempts to wield it, surely it will be the master and her the slave and if it reforms Ibaraki-douji then that beast will turn on Yukari.”

Growing more serious Shinki replies, “Eccentricities aside, Yukari is a crafty woman. Even if she’s prone to tunnel vision, the danger posed by the sword should be apparent. I would not rule out her developing some sort of countermeasure to be able to control the blade.”

Sariel frowns, “Maybe, maybe, but that sword is not something a sane woman would even try to control. It is to a soul eater, I can that much already from how its magic taking shape and if she were to feed it the souls of any of the major powers of Gensokyo it would be entirely uncontainable.”

Shinki shrugs, “That still could mean that she only plans to use it as a threat or she may have some sort of plan to take the soul out of the sword before it becomes a problem. I wouldn’t put such a thing past the gap hag.”

Sariel looks unconvinced, “That thing will have a will of its own, it won’t be some tool that does whatever it’s supposed to without thought. Wrestling a soul from it would be like attempting to tear a juicy steak away from a wild dog.”

Shinki perks up at that and helpfully provides, “Or an infant away from a pitbull named princess.”

Sariel stares Shinki in the eyes as she says, “She. Gets. It. From. You.”

Shinki smirks, “Be that as it may, it seems like she’ll be the first to get a man.”

Sariel huffs, “I wouldn’t call an abuse victim turned prostitute a choice partner.”

Leaning over, Shinki pulls Sariel into an embrace, “You said the same thing about me and look where we are now. Love is love no matter what.”

Fighting back a blush Sariel replies, “‘Where we are’ is a cliff overlooking a massive demon sword created by an insane rapist pimp magician to devour the souls of major Youkai and Gods.”

Sariel suddenly frowns, “A magician with whom the powers that be have committed fornication. A magician who made drunk the commonfolk with her fornication. A woman arrayed in her traditional purple and the scarlet of the Hakurei she has so carefully shaped. A woman of great wealth and opulence who holds a building, one could symbolically call a cup of her filth and fornication… perhaps those lackeys of hers are the kings who do not yet hold kingdoms? The other symbolism fails me for now, but…”

Shinki replies, “Well I always wanted an excuse to call Yukari a whore. Do you think it’s intentional? She’s not one to do such a thing, but then again I would say the same about all of this.”

Sariel answers, “Does it matter? Symbolism and belief can shape a being if they will it or not. You of all people should know that well.”

Shinki nods before ruffling through her bag, “Right, we can discuss this later. For now, we should get this done in time to get to the party before it’s over. It would be a shame to give Makai’s gift late.”

Sariel doesn’t reply as the two of them get to work on the self-destructive magical circles. Truly it is a stroke of luck that there is a famous blade tied to dragons in the west. Without it, warping the development of Yukari’s abomination would be far harder.

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