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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.10680419 [View]
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I appreciate the things you have said as they've given me perspectives that I didn't have previously. For that I thank you but I still love SnU

>> No.7143931 [View]
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Oh yoshiya-kun you're so dark and mysterious and totally not my bff sayo

>> No.6840002 [View]
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Bumping for elitist morons.

>> No.6672662 [View]
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Hopefully they'll explain if Jessica was aware about the whole ShKanonnigans, or if she literally thought Kanon was a separate person.

>> No.5962113 [View]
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Sociopathic behavior? Me? Nah.

>> No.5823942 [View]
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>> No.5793725 [View]
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I read Umineko for the lesbians.

>> No.5749839 [View]
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>so called "moralfag" Jessica
At the very least, half of that statement is totally correct. I'll leave you to decide which.

>> No.5726459 [View]
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this bitch is the one behind shkanon

>> No.5697071 [SPOILER]  [View]
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pic related is erika's other personality

>> No.5638008 [View]
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>> No.5627543 [View]
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>You know, instead of bitching about shkanon/shkanontrice, people should look for something that doesn't quite fit whether the theory is true or false.

>> No.5619566 [View]
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My face when Shkanon and Erika doesn't exist theories are proven wrong in episode 6 and 7.

>> No.5400010 [View]
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So /jp/ who do you think the culprit is?
Why do you think they get away with the murders?
Why are there fake murders?
Who know of the fake murders in each episode?
What's the culprits motive?
And why is Jessica a giant troll in all of this?

>> No.5395220 [View]
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Oh Kanon-kun you're so dark and mysterious, and totally not my BFF Shannon.

>> No.5229424 [View]
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>> No.5059260 [View]
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Yeah, this is totally legit.

>> No.5049095 [View]
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So in Episode 5 and 6 we are told that the twilights are initially staged.

So throughout each game which twilights do you think are staged, staged but interrupted (victims are actually murdered).

Ep 1: First Twilight
Could it be staged?
Second Twilight
Battler doesn't see Hideyoshi's corpse.
Originally staged?
Fourth Twilight/Fifth Twilight:
This is definitely staged.
Sixth/Seventh/Eighth/Ninth twilights:
Can't be staged?

Ep 2:
First twilight:
Was it originally staged?
Second Twilight:
Did Jessica really die?

Seventh/Eight Twilight:
Originally staged but why?

Fourth/Fifth/Sixth twilight:
Pretty sure you can't fake a gaping hole in your head.

Ep 3:
First Twilight:
Eva thinks it's been faked, red denies it, why did she think that?
Second Twilight:
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth twilight:
One could easily be alive, faked or not?
Seventh, Eighth twilight:

Ep 4:
First twilight:
Can't tell when they died.
Second Twilight:
Dead George, Moon-chan calls, part of the initial act?
Fourth-Eighth Twilight:
The bodies are all exactly as Kyrie describes on the phone, was it staged that way. Did someone take advantage of this act.
Ninth twilight:
Maria's mercy killing.
Kumasawa and Gohda, Initially staged. Then they were murdered. Why?

Beatoriche: "This is the end of my game."?

Why are the Ushiromiya's staging fake murders for the guest of honor (the detective)?
Who do you think is behind the fake murders?
Who do you think is behind the real murders?

>> No.5044877 [View]
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It's silly, don't worry about it.

>> No.4883549 [View]
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EP 5 > EP 3 final chapter-???? > Ep 4 > EP 1 > Rest of EP 3 > EP SHKANON/6 > EP 2.

Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

>> No.4777541 [View]
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Oh Kanon-kun! You're so dark, and mysterious, and totally NOT my best friend Shannon!

(It's been awhile, friends)

>> No.4718788 [View]
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Love. Did it for love.
That makes it ok.

>> No.4706224 [View]
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You got the GOOD, DOMINANT genes, from Asumu, Battler, while I got the BAD, RECESSIVE genes from Kyrie. That's why Big Boss always favored you!

>> No.4694492 [View]
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Well, actually, my friend, Krauss and Natsuhi aren't particularly close to Shannon or Kanon. Jessica, on the other hand, is best friends with Shannon, and rather close to Kanon. So yeah, while Natsuhi and Krauss may be caught unawares, Jessica wouldn't be.

Although, I suppose if Jessica was crazy, then maybe she'd be ignorant of Shkanon.

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