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>> No.46144624 [View]
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Because it's a brown girl OP and they also are sort of brown, I'll once again repost to ask. Do you know about any JAV actress with the rarest phenotype? Pic related is a demonstrative shoop from the face of some woman called Chihiro with the eyes of a Javanese girl and edits, please excuse the low quality. Some JAV actresses who to different levels scratch the itch of fapping to the rarest phenotype in JAV are Hana Kano, Kurea Hasumi, Mariko Sata, Yuuko Shiraki, Ayumi Shinoda and even Yumika Saeki. In any case, no JAV actress I know really has the rarest phenotype and the scratchers are far from the extremity and rare beauty. Even so, please compare the JAV actresses I listed and keep their appearance in mind if you suspect you know about a JAV actress who could really have the rarest phenotype.

The closest celebrity I've found is a Canadian Haida woman called Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson in English and Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans in her indigenous language Haida, though she doesn't have the rarest phenotype's extremities. Here are photos of her for consideration, please note the "green" hue of her skin and large nose and such:
I have never seen a Japanese woman with the full features of the rarest phenotype, however I have seen all of its individual key features among Japanese individuals and for this reason believe people with it must exist in Japan. So, a JAV actress with it definitely could exist! Please consider the most notable features as being:
>ultimate foxy eyes with an extreme shape and angle, possibly lighter colour than average
>extreme nose, similar to northern Chinese or Japanese but stronger bend and more narrow
>extreme vinegar with some combination of other condiments such as miso or shoju
>"green" hue of skin (may be a subset of brown)
Some Maya girls also have many of the rarest phenotype's features, for a demonstration of a Maya girl with a similar phenotype you can look at this photo but please note that her skin is more "red" than "green" and in totality her appearance is more "southern" while the rarest phenotype usually is more "northern" in appearance, and the angle of her eyes is not extreme:
For a demonstration of some northern appearance, though different from the rarest phenotype, look at this photo of two indigenous Siberian girls whose ethnicity I'm unsure because I found the photo searching for photos of Nivkh girls but it's on a Sakha site. In any case, they are two cute indigenous Siberian girls. Consider the "green" hue of skin, though one is very pale and one is more tan both have it and both have a "northern" facial structure:
Some SEA girls also can have features of the rarest phenotype, as already seen in the eyes of the demonstrative shoop. Most commonly it's eyes, though the angle is not as extreme. Noses also can have some similarity but I don't know if I ever saw SEA girls with such extreme noses. Consider the Indonesian actress Shareefa Daanish, she also has a somewhat "green" hue too and her eyes have some similarity but are not extreme:
https://i.imgur.com/DV3eM8B.jpeg (I had to reupload because the original link was 404)

You can compare the American porn actress Amber Summer and the amateur Renata Jizz too. They do not have the rarest phenotype but, some features in common that may be helpful for conceptualisation, so that's why I mention them. So far of who I've found, Amber is by far the closest scratcher outside of JAV. Imagine her but more extreme and more "green" brown pigmentation, that's the essence of the rarest phenotype.

Maybe you now have an idea of what the rarest phenotype looks like, and realise you have seen girls with it? For me, it's inherently erotic: every time I see a rarest phenotype girl in reality, when I get home I coom very hard because something awakens inside of me. You probably have seen some who have it because it's very widespread, certainly from the Amur to the Balkans but I believe even wider because combined features can emerge in Japan and Italy and such. I believe it's a very ancient atavism, but that's speculative and schizos could be triggered by the details of my hypothesis, besides it's off topic.

If you know any JAV actress who looks like she scratches the rarest phenotype's itch, please tell me!
I fkn love Sumire Mizukawa... I'd like to die by getting my chinpo and kintama crushed by her through ten thousand consecutive male squirts until I have a heart attack. Another fkn enjoyable way would be cowgirl riding with strangulation.

>> No.45183106 [View]
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Do you know about any JAV actress with the rarest phenotype? Pic related is a demonstrative shoop from the face of some woman called Chihiro with the eyes of a Javanese girl and edits, please excuse the low quality. Some JAV actresses who to different levels scratch the itch of fapping to the rarest phenotype in JAV are Hana Kano, Kurea Hasumi, Mariko Sata, Yuuko Shiraki, Ayumi Shinoda and even Yumika Saeki. In any case, no JAV actress I know really has the rarest phenotype and the scratchers are far from the extremity and rare beauty. Even so, please compare the JAV actresses I listed and keep their appearance in mind if you suspect you know about a JAV actress who could really have the rarest phenotype.

The closest celebrity I've found is a Canadian Haida woman called Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson in English and Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans in her indigenous language Haida, though she doesn't have the rarest phenotype's extremities. Here are photos of her for consideration, please note the "green" hue of her skin and large nose and such:
I have never seen a Japanese woman with the full features of the rarest phenotype, however I have seen all of its individual key features among Japanese individuals and for this reason believe people with it must exist in Japan. So, a JAV actress with it definitely could exist! Please consider the most notable features as being:
>ultimate foxy eyes with an extreme shape and angle, possibly lighter colour than average (in Europe possibly darker)
>extreme nose, similar to northern Chinese or Japanese but stronger bend and more narrow
>extreme vinegar with some combination of other condiments such as miso or shoju
>"green" hue of skin, possibly somewhat lighter hair than average (in Europe possibly darker)
Some Maya girls also have many of the rarest phenotype's features, for a demonstration of a Maya girl with a similar phenotype you can look at this photo but please note that her skin is more "red" than "green" and in totality her appearance is more "southern" while the rarest phenotype usually is more "northern" in appearance, and the angle of her eyes is not extreme:
For a demonstration of some northern appearance, though different from the rarest phenotype, look at this photo of two indigenous Siberian girls whose ethnicity I'm unsure because I found the photo searching for photos of Nivkh girls but it's on a Sakha site. In any case, they are two cute indigenous Siberian girls. Consider the "green" hue of skin, though one is very pale and one is more tan both have it and both have a "northern" facial structure:
Some SEA girls also can have features of the rarest phenotype, as already seen in the eyes of the demonstrative shoop. Most commonly it's eyes, though the angle is not as extreme. Noses also can have some similarity but I don't know if I ever saw SEA girls with such extreme noses. Consider the Indonesian actress Shareefa Daanish, she also has a somewhat "green" hue too and her eyes have some similarity but are not extreme:

Maybe you now have an idea of what the rarest phenotype looks like, and realise you have seen girls with it? For me, it's inherently erotic: every time I see a rarest phenotype girl in reality, when I get home I coom very hard because something awakens inside of me. You probably have seen some who have it because it's very widespread, certainly from the Amur to the Balkans but I believe even wider. It may be a very ancient atavism associated with paternal ancestry of haplogroup NO or even maternal ancestry of haplogroup M. The reason I believe paternal ancestry is because indigenous American men I've seen with even the closest appearance look more different compared to men with the true rarest phenotype in Eurasia, therefore the emergence requires paternal ancestry that is not present in America, and I don't know if it ever exists in western Europe. But, maybe it exists in America and western Europe too, then it must correlate with even more ancient maternal ancestry. I know human genetics is a complicated subject and haplogroups are only the tip of the iceberg, but it's pointless to even speculate something more specific without DNA tests... I know another reason to think it's a paternal atavism but couldn't post without triggering schizos, besides it's off topic.

If you know any JAV actress who looks like she scratches the rarest phenotype's itch, please tell me!

>> No.43844877 [SPOILER]  [View]
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i don't see it other than in the nose
+ the picture still cracks me up whenever i see it

>> No.43256820 [View]
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I'll again ask if anybody knows about any JAV actress who has notable combined features of the rarest phenotype, see pic related for a demonstrative shoop. Rare individuals with this phenotype exist in a widespread area across Eurasia at least from the Amur to the Balkans and also among the indigenous peoples in the Americas but, to my knowledge it is not common anywhere. Though I have not yet seen even one Japanese with the rarest phenotype, I have seen all of its features in isolation and in various combinations among Japanese and for this reason I believe Japanese with the rarest phenotype exist. So, at least one JAV actress must exist! Some woman called Chiharu whose face this shoop is based on with the eyes of a Javanese girls exists, here is the unedited photo and another photo of her:
She is not a JAV actress and anyway, does not have the rarest phenotype. A Canadian Haida woman who has remarkable aesthetic features of the rarest phenotype, however, less extreme and "softer" exists. Her name is Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson in English and Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans in her indigenous language Haida, and she works as a demonstrative example of the rarest phenotype despite her lack of extremities:
Besides, some Maya in Central America have features of the rarest phenotype, though, they look very "southern" while the rarest phenotype commonly still looks "northern" and therefore demonstrative examples of Maya girls with such features are best conceptualised for extremity and such but not much tonality:
To be clear, this is not at all about Kotone's phenotype. She has extreme Japanese features, but these are not the rarest phenotype's features and more accurately scratching the rarest phenotype are these JAV actresses despite their lack of extremities:
>Kurea Hasumi
>Mariko Sata
>Ayumi Shinoda
>Yuuko Shiraki
>Hana Kano
>Yumika Saeki
Kurea has risen among its scratchers because I have learned to conceptualise her as serving the rarest phenotype's cup of tea, though, she does not have its common features like lighter than average eyes and hair as well as a "green" hue of skin and has no extreme features. The goal is not to find a JAV actress who does not look or is not Japanese! Maybe a half is more likely, I'm unsure. It is equally about a desire to find the woman called Chiharu's JAV actress lookalike, regardless if she is a hag or not. She looks very Japanese despite having some significant rarest phenotype's features, so keep in mind that the rarest phenotype is not identical across different ethnicities: its unifying features are centralising between extremes but, this all varies in such a way that a Chinese of the rarest phenotype looks different from a Turk of the rarest phenotype despite both having conceptually the same phenotype. What I mean by this is, it is a recognisable phenotype but centralisation of different extremes is also its feature: the Turk may have darker than average tonality while the Chinese may have lighter than average tonality. In this case, let's remember that Japanese have vast variation and as such a Japanese of the rarest phenotype would not have "abnormal" tonality, rather the lighter side of Japanese with the addition of a "green" hue to skin. Really the rarest feature I have seen among Japanese is this green hue. Recently I even saw a Japanese girl with the exact extreme eyes of the rarest phenotype, not only in shape and colouration but angle as well! It was the last remaining feature that I had not before seen exactly on a Japanese person. Now I know even that is possible. So, Japanese women of the rarest phenotype must exist!

If a JAV actress with the full features of the rarest phenotype exists, or combinations of its features despite lacking some, please tell me about her! For sirs who have difficulty conceptualising, please compare the JAV actresses listed as known scratchers with the basic short description "extreme angular facial features, light tonality and green skin hue" but remember to balance against potential southern associations such as Okinawan. Maybe she is more likely Okinawan, but the stereotypical features and tonality and such differ. Yes, this is autistic and I'm still sorry. I just want to know because often girls of this phenotype are very erotic, despite what others think.

>> No.43117725 [View]
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>rarest phenotype
Pic related is a demonstrative shoop of the rarest phenotype. Individuals with this phenotype exist in a widespread area across Eurasia but, to my knowledge it is not common anywhere. Ironically perhaps the closest to a statistical commonality are the Maya people of Central America, though, but the similarities are not full and tonally the Maya typically are darker and more red than green such as the rarest phenotype. Among the rarest phenotype, I have noted a correlation in lighter hair colour and eye colour in Asia and darker hair colour and eye colour in Europe. This is indicative of a centralising effect on the manifesting phenotypical extremities, such that the rarest phenotype has its own associated tonality. This is not always the case, however, it is statistically notable and therefore we must consider the evidence that the rarest phenotype has a unified source in all of the very widespread and distinct populations which it occurs.

Let's remember that women who look like this may emerge as far west as the Balkans and as far east as far-eastern Russia. I believe it occurs even farther because I have seen women with almost all of its features together as far away as Italy and Japan, as well as the Maya and Haida, though, this could indicate the presence of a gradient because the rarest phenotype's features I have seen present in Italian women are statistically different from its features I have seen present in Japanese women. If we allow ourselves to speculate, this points to its shared origin. What source does the rarest phenotype have? My theory pertains to a primotype I have even identified with a specific complex correlation. It is in the early staged of formulation and I will not in detail off-topic speculate on /jav/ about this. However, many JAV actresses with combinations of the rarest phenotype's features exist and correlate with the tonal centralising effect, is an evidence that the occurrence of the rarest phenotype in Japan is possible and not isolated. After the latest ancient demographic theories, this became my smoking gun. Yes, the rarest phenotype has a single source and it is correlated with a specific shift in material culture and linguistic change. Indeed, this was a highly advanced culture that diffused across the continent of Eurasia and I tentatively suggest even America if the Maya and Haida evidence is valid. Native Americans migrated from Asia, so this is not at all surprising. Somebody else came to a similar conclusion about such a vast ancient culture's existence but is demonstrably wrong about its origin and time depth. Of course his conceptualisation was not about the rarest phenotype as conceived on /jav/ but, the phenomenon is the same about the rarest phenotype's source culture.

JAV actresses and other Japanese people with the rarest phenotype's features in correlation have the same atavism as populations across Eurasia. I know it is premature to extrapolate such as conclusive from current evidence, but this phenomenon cannot be explained as convergence. I concede that it is possible the single source is not single in time depth, though am confident it is the same continuity of population. What I mean by this is, the true source of the rarest phenotype is an ancient culture of the Neolithic or even Mesolithic, this culture diffused across Eurasia so its assimilation may have happened in vastly different periods in different regions such as the Balkans and the Amur. It is entirely possible that as an example Kurea Hasumi has genetically at a surface level a wholly separate mutation from as an example an Italian woman with this phenotype's distinctly correlative features, because in these extremes of Japan and Italy the penetration and assimilation may have been separated by many millennia and the population who introduced it to such extremes already may have assimilated with stepping stone carrier populations. For material culture and linguistic changes this must be too simple so a degree of distinction must have remained to explain the correlation even at the extremes but, at this point it would be foolish to proclaim certain answers.

It is worth to note that even in Japan, it appears that these phenotypical features are associated with darker pigmentation despite the observable fact of correlation with lighter tonality in mainland Japan. This is my second smoking gun. A phenomenal conception is pervasive across Eurasia. In Japan the perception of expectation shifted to the reverse and this reveals, they entered Japan through the Ryukyu Islands. The primary reason Ryukyu people are more tan is because they are south, hence the Japanese perception shift. It all makes sense. Yes, this sounds schizo ramblings because I'm being vague to avoid premature conclusions or straying too far off topic. If I ever find a JAV actress with the rarest phenotype in full, I will fap to her until my chinpo hurts. This is my promise to /jav/. One must exist.

>> No.41665646 [View]
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Yet, all anthropologists and bioarchaeologists and such discount phenotypes as even existing. This is one reason why I dislike anthropological and such discourse, it focuses only on deep empirical phenomena and excludes all superficial anecdotal factors. But, the opposite is one reason why I dislike sociological discourse because it focuses only on superficial anecdotal phenomena and not deep empirical factors. The middle ground does not even seem to be believed possible by either opposite. There is no spectrum, only polar opposites. It's very frustrating and very strange.

The rarest phenotype appears across the world in rare instances of individuals, however, nobody even acknowledges it exists. I believe it is one of the most ancient primotypes associated with Haplogroup NO, perhaps K2a, or more ancient as even K2! One day I must see a JAV actress of the rarest phenotype. One must exist. Some JAV actresses have some of its features, though, none have all of them. I have never seen a Japanese person with all of its features, but rarely some have more than any JAV actress I yet know to exist. So, what is this phenotype if not very ancient atavism?

>> No.41187923 [View]
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Please excuse the autism, but I still want to find JAV actresses with a very specific appearance. Pic related is a demonstrative shoop of the rarest phenotype, shooped from a woman called Chiharu's face and a Javanese girl's eyes. I want to know about all the JAV actresses who can scratch this type of itch, resembling the rarest phenotype. Very likely a JAV actress with the full features of the rarest phenotype does not exist, because I have never seen a Japanese woman of the rarest phenotype, though, I have seen some with even remarkable combinations of the rarest phenotype's features. So far this is the list of JAV actresses who can scratch a similar itch for the rarest phenotype, in order from the highest level scratcher to the lowest level scratcher. It isn't a scientific ranking, and maybe at different times the order could change:
>Mariko Sada
>Yuuko Shiraki
>Kurea Hasumi
>Kotone Toa (Kotone Fuyue)
>Hana Kano
>Yumika Saeki
Recently I found a Canadian Haida celebrity who has remarkable aesthetic features of the rarest phenotype, however, less extreme and "softer". Her name is Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson in English and Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans in her indigenous language Haida, and she works as a demonstrative example of the rarest phenotype despite her lack of extremities:
Maybe this type of phenotype, though, really not quite the rarest phenotype, is common for American indigenous populations? When I googled to see photos of other Haida women, some of them appeared to have this same phenotype. I always thought it's interesting that the key extreme features of the rarest phenotype, being the extreme shapes and angles of the eyes and nose, exist in some Maya. In these photos of Maya girls you can see the extreme nose and some similar overall aesthetic features with the rarest phenotype, though, clearly more "southern" than "northern" unlike the rarest phenotype:
I'll link these photos of the woman called Chiharu that I posted previously too, because I believe she is the closest Japanese woman to the rarest phenotype I've ever seen:
This is not about Kotone's phenotype. She has a unique face, but surely it is only manifest as an extreme Japanese phenotype. It's impossible to look at her and think of any other ethnicity than Japanese. Really she only can scratch the itch for extreme features, and in this way she serves a different cup of tea from the other JAV actresses who can scratch another itch relating to the rarest phenotype. My belief is that Yumika Saeki was the first scratcher, in the limited sense that I thought she subconsciously scratches this itch before I even knew I had this itch. Kurea Hasumi also would have all along scratched this itch if I consciously wanted to find its scratchers before, and now I have been looking at her with a different perspective, but even she really doesn't scratch the full itch for the rarest phenotype.

Recently from these threads I have been recommended Mariko Sada, Yuuko Shiraki and Hana Kano. They all scratch this itch, yet, not even one of them scratches all of it. If the JAV actress lookalike of the Chiharu woman exists, she can scratch the itch much more. However, the rarest phenotype also must be remarked as distinct in motions. This does not mean any type of behaviour or such, merely the physical motions of the features. What I mean is, when you see a woman with the rarest phenotype make various expressions, these exaggerate the phenotypical features. This is less clear in the case of women with the same features who do not have the rarest phenotype in full. Yumika Saeki has exaggerated expressions, which to certain degrees certainly resemble the natural expressions of the rarest phenotype, but clearly this is regardless different. Of course it's close enough. If that Chiharu's JAV actress lookalike exists and makes such exaggerated expressions as Yumika Saeki, in the desire to scratch the itch for the rarest phenotype in JAV, that would make me coom harder than all of its scratching JAV actresses so far.

Surely such a JAV actress exists, right? If she's some type of faux-semi-quasi-pseudo-hag, maybe that's a plus but not important.

>> No.41145280 [View]
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Finally I found a celebrity to exemplify the rarest phenotype! Her name is Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson in English and Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans in her indigenous language Haida. Really she doesn't have the rarest phenotype, her features are too soft, but she's closer than any celebrity I've seen before. Her nose is large and has an angle, though not as narrow and without an extreme shape. Her eyes have an angle, though far from extreme and their shape is not extreme. Her cheekbones are strong and rather low. Even her skin has the right "green" hue, you can see it's subtle in every photo of her. Her eyes are not quite dark brown (though, not light brown or hazel as I've noticed as a statistical anomaly with the rarest phenotype).

Does her JAV actress lookalike exist? I know she doesn't look Japanese at all so maybe even trying to find a Japanese "lookalike" is pointless, of course she doesn't have a Japanese or probably even half true lookalike, but I want to know about all the JAV actresses who can scratch this type of itch. So far this is the list of JAV actresses who can scratch a similar itch for the rarest phenotype, in order from the highest level scratcher to the lowest level scratcher. It isn't a scientific ranking, and maybe at different times the order could change:
>Mariko Sada
>Yuuko Shiraki
>Kurea Hasumi
>Kotone Toa (Kotone Fuyue)
>Hana Kano
>Yumika Saeki
Here are demonstrative pictures of Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson/Gid7ahl-Gudsllaay Lalaxaaygans, in which similarities to the rarest phenotype can be observed:
I'll also post the demonstrative shoop of the rarest phenotype again, from a woman called Chiharu's face and a Javanese girl's eyes.

If her JAV lookalike exists, even remote, or only more JAV actresses who can scratch this itch without really resembling the phenotype, that's going to significantly elevate my dick. To be clear, she doesn't have to be a "hag" of any faux-semi-quasi-pseudo-subtype as evident from some of the already known and in previous threads suggested scratchers. Maybe that's a plus, but even young girls can have the rarest phenotype so surely a JAV actress with similar features has them even if she's young.

>> No.41086140 [View]
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I wouldn't say it has anything to do with rats, despite the similarity to Kotone who does look like a rat. Kotone's phenotype is completely different, only the extremity of her features is similar, but their shapes and angles are entirely different. This is the demonstrative shoop from a woman called Chiharu's face and some Javanese girl's eyes. It's hard to describe, but the closest really are some Maya with the extreme shapes and angles, but even for Maya it clearly isn't the most common. Of course, this similarity to a Maya phenotype must be completely coincidental. In this shoop, the eyes are from a Javanese girl you find when you google "Javanese eyes", though they aren't quite extreme enough compared to the rarest phenotype. Some Maya girls have eyes of the absolute extreme shape and angle, you can find them by googling if you want. The type of nose is similar to if you google "Mayan girl sits on a bech", really that girl looks rather close to the rarest phenotype, but of course somehow also completely different.

This phenotype exists in multiple countries, yet, it's always rare. I believe it can emerge everywhere in Eurasia, at least as far west as the Balkans and as far east as the Amur. The other countries I certainly know it exists are Russia and Turkey, though similar clusters of features appear elsewhere too and I believe this confirms it can arise anywhere in Eurasia. What could its origin be? Who knows, but somehow everybody agrees it's "ugly". This is strange to me because I consider it to be the most uniquely sexy phenotype. The women with this phenotype of course are not conventionally beautiful, but within the variation very beautiful individuals exist. Somehow I imagine women of this phenotype would be the sexually highest, there's an uncanny conveyance of lust within the facial features themselves.
Thanks, I'll have to look for it.
It's because only autists use "phenotype" to talk about humans, and only in environments without consequences for being called "pseudoscientific racist fetishist". After all, in a strict sense such a thing as "phenotypes" is not real, and applied to humans the academic establishment views it as completely outdated and offensive. So even as descriptive terminology, only autists who discard methodical convention in favour of aesthetic precision use it.

>> No.41051440 [View]
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And, just for the demonstration of the rarest phenotype for the curious because to my knowledge no celebrities exist, here is a shooped version of that Chiharu photo with eyes from a Javanese girl. If a JAV actress with this strange rare phenotype exists, my dick would explode. Please excuse the low quality shoop, it's demonstrative.

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