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>> No.7140074 [View]
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Wait... no, that's impossible. It can't be. It's too dreadful.
Let's go back to the bitter an unwelcoming reality of blood, sweat, mead, toadstool, angry men in little creaking ships, axe, brothers with swords, fisherman's foe, rape and pillage and murder and burning churches and necrophilia with headless nuns, brains and gravel and flying horses.
Because compared to the atrocity that is the moepocalypse, Ragnarök is a blessing.

>> No.6743485 [View]
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Needs more spontaneous pyrotechnics and a Freddie Mercury touhou, and it will be perfect.

>> No.5144989 [View]
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I was going to refrain from mentioning the themes he was associated with in life, and the obvious that comes thereof. It seemed more like a time to accept simply that a man mortal like any other has tragically passed away, and that he was a skilled and loved musician who will be missed.

But yet, I still can't help wanting to believe he's with the bards of old in Valhalla now. So there it goes.
Rest in peace, Dio.

>> No.3776244 [View]
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Well... perhaps you could impress the 2d gods sufficiently with deeds of valour and death in battle.

>> No.3702197 [View]
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Blaze of glory. If your goal is to die anyway, might as well do it in a way that people will look back on you with dumb awe, rather than seeing you as just taking the pathetic easy way out.
Arm yourself, go break into some local military installation and steal some expensive piece of hardware for a joyride. Since you probably don't have military experience or any experience with weapons, you'll likely get shot up into a pulp without accomplishing anything. But since you're planning to die anyway, it doesn't matter if you fail horribly. 14 yos will go "WOOOO DATS SO AWSUM" and piss themselves for no apparent reason at the mention of your name, and there will be crappy YouTube tributes with Linkin Park made in your honour.
Truly, as you take your place in Valhalla you can rest assured the suffering you have inflicted upon the remaining world is oh-so-much worse than anything you ever experienced.

>> No.3545615 [View]
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A hero was he, touching all our lives
As if he lived and died in a single moment
Great were his deeds, all his words were true
He lived and died a man of honour
He paid with his life
For his life was the price
To pass the gates immortal

Thy journey begins, with sword in the wind
Stay thy hand, rest thy command
For Oden's call
Was heard above them all
"Thy name shall never die!"

Long shall we remember, he who walked the road of danger
Master of revenge! Death's no stranger
Blood and death lived on his sword
The god of war his only lord
Into the depths of Hel go all he fell!

Take thy shield, take thy sword, all thy weapons to the sky
Ye shall need them when Oden bids thee rise
For none but the brave
Shall rise up from the grave
To see the valkyries fly

Rise, brother, rise! Pass Valhall's gate
Here great warriors await!
Reborn from thy steel, all thy wounds be healed
From the earth to the sky, now the son of Oden rise
Take thy place among the kings, for thy soul shall never die.

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