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>> No.46789333 [View]
File: 272 KB, 850x1208, __toramaru_shou_touhou_and_1_more_drawn_by_hi_you_flying_bear__sample-6ee7d4988fbecd5bd50e20e5b658fcf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I woke up in Gensokyo, I made a beeline for the Myouren Temple. Cliche, and I know: 'Hijiri runs a secret human meat farm' and all those other rumors, but I felt like my odds were 50/50 on living a good, spiritual life and dying at the ripe age of sixty or get eaten and it all being over with.
I wish I listened to the Hijiri Antis.
Everything went great at first. The Temple welcomed me with open arms, I got put to honest work, was quickly taught Japanese, and rose up very quickly in the ranks since my competition were Youkai just trying their best(and failing), Youkai slacking off, humans who'd flake back to the village once their inner foodie instinct kicked back in, and the rare few who were actually making some headway.
One day, Hijiri pulled me aside and asked me if I would be willing to take on a special task, one that only I could perform. Of course I said yes, I was so curious like 'turns out the Myouren Temple is actually a hungry Youkai they have to feed a loyal follower every year' or something along those lines, but no, all that was in the room Hijiri guided me to was a very flushed Shou who could barely sit still.
No, I wasn't asked to relieve her urges.
Instead, Hijiri had our souls swap places. See, apparently someone in the temple started a rumor(as a joke) that female tigers are super fertile and you know how that goes. Problem was, Shou couldn't copulate as body and soul because it would piss off Lord Bishamonten, so, the loophole would be that Shou's soul would go out in my body and relieve the urges of the soul while I would take over and relieve the urges of her body through abstinence and prayer, thus not running afoul of Bishamonten.
Of course I said yes. Have you seen Shou's face? She's adorable and the nicest woman in Gensokyo by my count. So Hijiri cast the spell, Shou packed her things to go find some relief, and I took over her role at the temple in secret.
The first week was easy and a little exciting. I wasn't used to being the center of attention and, if it wasn't already clear, I admired Shou greatly, so I thought this would be a good chance to study how an Idol saw things. When my soul really got settled into the body, that's when the urges kicked in. I'd wake up at night in hot flashes, if I slept with clothes on they'd be soaked through, if I slept naked then the sheets would be soaked instead. When I saw the temple men laboring I'd reflexively track their movements, all of them, I'd imagine the fittest ones using their bodies on me to the fullest and the weakest ones as my prey to lunge upon like the slowest gizzle in the herd.
But my lust didn't stop at men, oh no, my old temptations seemed to have carried over with my soul because even in the company of the fairer sex I felt constantly on edge. Long legs, flowing hair, nice smells, plump breasts, they all paraded around me like a feast set right before my eyes, but I knew if I took even one bite that I would gorge until there was nothing left.
The breaking point was the confessions.
Shou is popular, and this meant she'd received her fair amount of love confessions. I refused them all on grounds of being an idol and love being a distraction to my duties, but it was also a part of the same duties to hear them out first, and they were beautiful, every last one. From men and woman both, they were some of the most heartfelt expressions I've ever heard and I wanted nothing more then to accept whoever was giving them in that moment. But I had to endure, because I made a promise to Shou.
Until one man confessed his love for me. I'd always thought of him as a stern but consistent teacher, someone who'd never encourage you, but always give you just praise when truly due, almost sort of cat-like if you think about it. He said three sentences to me in private, told me he could wait for my reply, and left me to my thoughts.
That night I locked myself in my room and all hell broke loose. I hadn't masturbated since arriving in Gensokyo, it was the farthest thing from my mind, but until the sun rose the next day that's all I did, biting and crying into my pillow as I knew I'd have to give one more rejection, one more tally in my labors.
That day Hijiri told everyone I was sick and washed me, brought me water and fresh bedding's, and more then ever, I thought of her as the kind mother. Until I heard what Nue had to say.
"Oh, Shou? She's not coming back. Once she took your body she found a couple of lovers and got them pregnant, gonna start her own homestead. Didn't Hijiri tell you?"
I had been betrayed. All this abstinence, this prayer, enduring this never-ending assault of lust, and she'd stolen my body to do with as she pleased?
'Fine.' I decided. If she wants to do with my life as she pleases then I'll play with hers as I see fit. Shou Toramaru will give birth to over a thousand children and become known as a fertility idol far and wide. Far grander then some pathetic homestead.

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