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>> No.11825924 [DELETED]  [View]
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Hi /jp/.

Hope you can recommend me some English manga, light novels or visual novels. I'll post what I've read so far to give you an idea of my tastes - if you haven't read any of them, they're all really good so give them a go!

Visual novel wise I've enjoyed; Utawarerumono, Swan song, G-senjou no maou, Saya no uta, Grisaia no kajutsu, himawari no shoujo, Steins gate and fate/stay night.

As for manga I've enjoyed; Akumetsu, Berserk, Sanctuary, Gantz, Yokokuhan, Shingeki no kyoujin, Ookami no Kuchi: Wolfsmund, Vinland Saga, Liar game

I also enjoyed Tower of God and The Gamer which are Korean webcomics(?) - the 1 page layout is so much easier to read!

The only light novel I've read is Utsuro no Hako to Zero no Maria. I thought it was very good and liked the format so I'll definitely give any recommendations a try!

And if you haven't read any of the above manga, visual novels, lightnovels or web comics, give them a go - they're really good!

>> No.11622995 [View]
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A tuna and mayo sushi roll, with soy sauce and wasabi on the side, is a simple and delicious way to enjoy sushi at home! The rice must be short-grained (Cal Rose) and the nori is affordable if you buy it in bulk online. Nori is good to just snack on by itself too! What are you waiting for, /jp/? Go to your local Asian Grocer today!

>> No.11565674 [View]
File: 113 KB, 556x800, UtsuroNoHako_vol1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daiya should have won.

Maria is a bitch.

>> No.11093046 [View]
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I'm going to pretend that this series ended after volume two.

>> No.9906893 [View]
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Hako Mari.

It's nice seeing a light novel on Baka Tsuki that is translated quickly.

Is Baka-Tsuki the only place for getting Light novel translations or do you know others?

>> No.9808754 [View]
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Sorry for asking, but what are some other good LNs on Baka-Tsuki which are fully/mostly translated. Just finished this and it was pretty fantastic but I want something else to read because I rediscovered the joy of reading.

>> No.7846407 [View]
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like eroge is any better or even good. if you play visual novels and think they're superior you need your head checked. your low quality sex romps aren't any better than light novels.

>> No.6839169 [View]
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Why are visual novels so popular and get so many people working on them, but light novels are left in the dust completely ignored?

Is it much more difficult to translate a light novel? I can find a lot of crappy visual novels but only a handful of light novels are translated completely...

>> No.6421234 [View]
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>> No.5094989 [View]
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Your opinion /jp/?

>> No.5080069 [View]
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>> No.5027808 [View]
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Light Novel thread.

>> No.5020682 [View]
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This is suprisingly good.

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