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>> No.46760574 [View]
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… What?

I stare speechless inside Mr. Hieda's demonic mask, doing my best not to cry from the unbelievable pain that rages through my broken and burnt arm, my hair disheveled and my snake accessory lost before that big explosion of Mokou's rebirth. My apprentices huddle close to me, some clutching wounds and others watching the battle unfold in disbelief, the gunshots and Danmaku pellets filling the world like a chaotic cacophony, samurai screaming as they burned alive and despairing people running for their lives outside peppered by lead. And, through all this, I kept staring into this maniac's eyes. The rage that stirs inside begs me to smack him down with the gohei, and I'm really starting to consider it: “You failed me, Sanae.” He continues, eyes turning to Mokou hovering in the sky after glancing at the inferno consuming the Hieda State. Mokou is motionless, staring at her blood-stained arms. “You should've sealed that monster when you had the chance—now, she's going to kill us all… Or are you doing your job, Shrine Maiden?” He swings his katana, cleaning it of blood.

I am absolutely livid.

“YOU DID THIS!” I aim the Gohei at his chest, and the men turn their weapons towards me instead of firing at the throng of people attempting to break through the burning gates. My apprentices brandish their goheis, eyes wide and tense. “You killed that woman for no motive! You were thinking of shooting at your people—and you say this is my fault?! You alone are responsible for your actions; you are a fucking monster!” I finish my frantic words, letting my rage condense into a cold hell, our eyes turning to Mokou above as the rain of ashes accumulated on my hair—it's vomit-inducing knowing their origin—who solemnly stares at us, wings of imperiling turquoise flaring and eclipsing the sun, a testimony to her intentions just as much as her wide eyes: Vengeful death strummed and danced there, focused on Mr. Hieda, whose demonic mask met Mokou’s eyes face-front.

… Despite all this, he's right: in her state, Fujiwara no Mokou seems nothing but uncaring about the consequences of her actions. She’s a danger to everyone. “… S-Sanae-sama…?” One of my apprentices called, watching in fear as men pointed guns at them.

My apprentices will be used against me if they remain here; I can’t match Mokou's strength with just one arm…

“I'm gonna solve this problem, but know, you senile warmonger—” I step closer to him, ignoring the death glare behind the samurai mask. Above, Mokou prepares her wings, a painting of an angel about to crash onto Earth and bring with her doom. “—when this is all over, I'll make sure you are held accountable for each and every offense done today! The Hieda Clan is done.” It burns knowing nothing of this would've happened if Reimu was here, but I erase the thought swiftly, turning to my apprentices. “With me!”

And, just as Mokou descended from the heavens with prospects of death, I rose and met her head on, my apprentices following with goheis in hand, prepared to face the fight of their lives.

I watch as the shrine maidens take to the skies, closing my eyes for but a moment to process her words… A problem leads to another problem, which must be solved; my hand gently falls on my sword's handle.

The world never changes, does it, Akyuu?

There's always someone to misunderstand you, to take your words and actions in the context they think fit better, ignorant of the bigger picture. Sanae might have grown a little and is probably on the lookout for a man; maybe trying to start a family, even… “When she’s done with Mokou… kill Sanae and her apprentices.” I say after pulling a samurai close to me. He nods and goes to spread the information.

That naive, innocent little girl who arrived in Gensokyo all those years ago has never fully matured.

Turning to the gaping hole in our defenses, I watch as my samurai throw balls of flaming tar to fill the crumbling void; others gather water to slow down the raging flames; and the majority shoot their rifles and mounted machine guns. As expected, Danmaku hits us, bringing gruesome death that shreds through flesh and armor, both side's numbers dwindling fast, and, as I slowly walk towards that open gap, katana in hands, it becomes rapidly apparent that while our firepower is superior and keeps the Youkai from flying, their attacks are much more devastating—

—A winged creature crosses the black smoke and, with elongated nails, dices one of my samurai and his weapon with ease. Her eyes fall on me, filled with deep hatred and, expecting an easy kill, she lunges forward.

One upward swing, and her head and neck are separated. Immediate death…

… I stop, glance at the corpse…

Then, keep on walking towards the stairs to the top of the fence, katana dripping blood—

—Instinct saves me as I dodge by a fraction a stray Danmaku that effortlessly destroys half my kabuto.

Unbeknownst to me, even with half the kabuto broken, two oni horns still adorn my head.

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