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>> No.46717541 [View]
File: 339 KB, 900x1271, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_mazume__c56628a72b6ecb97ee91d748c35b28fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keine led the march down the streets with me at her side and the rest following. Her black cloak gently glided behind her as she looked forward with steely determination in her eyes. She almost looked regal like this, a new ruler for a new age leading her gaggle of followers. My confidence soared just by seeing her. But she wasn’t exactly a rightful king returning to claim the throne that belonged to them with a loyal army. What could be called her loyal army were talking among themselves, laughing, handing out treats to onlookers. This wasn’t an army of revolutionaries, this was a parade. Still I suppose that made sense considering our goals here today.

We continue forward, making our way through the streets. Everyone was in high spirits, continuing to chatter on, as if the danger we might face was nonexistent. I suppose this was one way to remain brave.

“Feeling nervous?” I jump a bit at Keine’s unexpected words. “You’re been out of sorts for the past few days”

I was. Over the past few months, the twisting feeling of dread and nervousness had become a familiar friend to me. I would have thought that after my escapade in the HSE that something like this would be nothing. But in the back in my mind I can’t help but think of all the ways this could go so wrong. A bunch of men with swords and guns aren’t nearly as dangerous as Yukari, but they represented a clear risk. All I could do is put my faith in all the others to get us through this.

“Yeah, I am” I responded, looking up at her.

“You know how Mr Hieda is. His duty to the village is everything to him. He wouldn’t risk putting them in danger, even with his state of mind. When support starts to swing around to us, the Heida’s family hands will be tied” I did think it was unlikely that Mr Heida would order an attack if it would bring villagers to harm, but to have everything hinge on that made me feel a bit guilty. No, we weren't using them as human shields, we were just holding a festival, nothing wrong with that!

“Do you think he’ll have to step down after all of this? By now, everyone knows his state of mind is declining and after a stunt like this I don’t know if he’ll have any support left” I ask, turning my head upward to look at an exceptionally bright firework.

“The Hieda family has always been very traditional, and they’re not the kind to accept change lightly. Akyuu was an exception compared with most of her family with how open she was to having friendships with youkai. But it would surprise me if there weren’t members of his family concerned with his behavior that would want to see him retire, even if it meant giving into our demands” Keine returned a wave a child gave her. Always thinking a few steps ahead, that’s our leader.

“I think it’s possible that the death of his daughter weighted heavily on his mind for years. Then, with the stress of recent events he regressed. He clung onto some false hope that would have made everything better, and when reality started to set in, he just regressed further and further” For a moment, a frown crosses her face and she seems so weary. Then it’s gone, and the strong and confident Keine is back. With the fire that had been brewing inside of her ever since she started her revolution, I had forgotten how hellish her life had become recently.

While she didn’t say what the source of source of Mr Heida’s stress was, I had an idea on what she was implying. That damned building had tendrils that were deep and corrupting, and even those with no connections to the place were hurt by it.

We turn one last corner and we’re there. Despite not having even been set up half an hour again, the festival was teeming with life. The stalls were already set up and ready for their owners to take charge, Tsuchigumo swarming between them and making the last few arrangements. On a small stage, I see the Prismriver Ensemble getting warmed up, playing a few notes on their instruments. A few festival-goers started to filter in, admiring the work before everything kicked off. Even the sight of the Heida estate walls covered with armed men looming over everything failed to damper the spirits of the crowd.

“Things are starting to kick off. Remember the signals and contact me if you need anything, and just enjoy yourself” Keine said with a smile before she moved off and vanished into the crowd.

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