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>> No.14248910 [View]
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>Be Paladin's squire when your family is blessed by a beautiful human daughter
>She's a giggling mess every time you give her piggy-back rides
>She dotes on you about how you're her big strong onii-chan
>Save her from bullies, your back to her
>She cries when you refuse to let them strike your back, telling them only cowards retreat from the path of justice and righteousness
>You grow out of touch as you become a full fledged Knight of the Order Sanctorum
>Your parents send word by raven that your sister went off into a city on the outer limits with a neighboring Demon Realm
>She'd been training to become a cleric
>You race your horses to its absolute limits, your mind closing around the abhorrent, unthinkable terror of her becoming a harlot whore monster
>Forced to wander for a man to rape and breed
>The city is dark, full of Succubi and other monsters corrupting women left and right in a midnight raid
>Caith Siths turning other women into furbait with their dander being rubbed onto them
>Succubi schlicking young maidens into corruption
>You hear a scream, your sister's
>Moments before impact, the Succubus tells her how she's going to unleash all of her pent up frustrations
>Your pauldron has never impacted more truly, sending the slut-demon careening into a wall and into unconsciousness
>Tell your imouto to get behind you as you weather the blows of an entire monster invasion force
>Bones break and are mended to the best of her feeble ability
>Your body is bloody ruin at the end of it,you can feel the darkness taking you, pain is your existence
>But all the monsters have been subdued and marked for expulsion
>The last thing you remember is your beloved younger sister hugging you from behind, calling you an idiot and acting to recklessly
>Wake up days later in an unfamiliar bed covered in bandages that she'd just cleaned
>Ask her how she knew it was you before you said anything
"Whenever I needed help, you were my Shield."

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