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>> No.10547310 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

avin a choccy biccy and cup of tea to treat meself for a hard days postin shite.

wish i could sit down and watch eastenders with you and alfie.
spare a thought for me postin shite 24/7 wont you.

shite poster

>> No.10547208 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

had a dream where i skidded me undies and whipped them over jannys fence and clipped his son around the ear wiv em.
might be a sign of me next big shite post.

i'm frightened mum.

shite poster

>> No.10541322 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

sorry i ent wrote in a bit.
been layin low lately. old janny went off his trolley and deleted me shite posts as well as arf a jp, so ee was gave the axe.
was well chuffed and posted a load a shite, but not een five minutes later there was a new janny sweepin it all up. steamed me up proper that did.

well mum, i ave to do me duty and break new janny in.
be postin shite non stop for a fortnight, swear. tough stuff, but if i ent do it who will?

hope your keepin well. miss hearin from you.
will write to ye every day if i bloody well can, swear on me life.

buy me a new set of undies for when i get ome, would you. mine are cacked to bits. cheers mum.

shite poster

>> No.10473710 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

comin home soon. only ave to serve 2 more days and then i'm scott free. janny almost has me gone barmy with his antics. dunno how i ent been banned.

it'll be over soon mum. hope when little harry grows up he wont ever have to post shite on jp.
dyin for tea and a biscuit.

shite poster

>> No.10473116 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

sorry i ent wrote to you in a bit. spended me entire week doin nowt but postin shite all over the bloody place. lovin it, janny is a right larf sometimes.

hope u werent worried mum. tell aunt jacinta i was askin for er.

shite poster

>> No.10441569 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

broke me shite laughing when i saw janny on his hands and knees tryin to get me shite posts out of jp.

i wish i dint have to do this, but its is own fault.

shite poster

>> No.10437424 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

i get the feelin janny thinks he's betta then me by not sweepin me shite posts on a friday nite. i have to say, he's the biggest cunt ive eva come across.

love you mum.

shite poster

>> No.10436025 [View]
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dear mum,

today i met a chap who finally gets it. good to know im not the only bloke peeved off at the jannys tricks. got a funny feelin in me shitter for this lad.

think i might be gay now. still love you though mum.

shite poster

>> No.10435784 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

this is me last letter of the day. im going to knock the janishite out. keeps sweepin up me shite fore anyone can appreciate it like.

swear mum, im goin to bury the cunt.

shite poster

>> No.10435757 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

some right weirdos up at this hour. some nonce wanted to pee on me beard. i ent even got one for gods sake.

im scared mum.

shite poster

>> No.10435682 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

cried for the first time in ages last nite. posted a load a shite on jp, and then that bloody janny went and swept it all up before i could scratch me arse.

i just wanna make you proud mum. but i dunno how long i can keep it up.

shite poster

>> No.10435635 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

woke up feeling better then ever today. shite postin on jp as i write this message.

dont forget to record me programs tonite.

shite poster

>> No.10433366 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

i think ive come down wit somethin mum, i ent feelin well. ive been postin shite non stop but me bum feels like i took a shat after eatin a dodgy vindaloo.

wish you were ere mum, i miss you.

shite poster

>> No.10433323 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

saw some black lad sling his skidded undies at janny the other day. broke me shite laughin, class act.

hope tiddles ent missin me too much.

shite poster

>> No.10433282 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

that bloody janny keeps on deletin all the shite i post on jp. startin to get on me tits.

how did you ever put up with him?

shite poster

>> No.10431926 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

i went and cocked it all up, dint i? da never use to drink before i start postin shite on jp. wish i dint have to be this way.

sorry mum. but i kent stop now. swear on me life mum u'll be proud a me.

shite poster

>> No.10431840 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

been posting shite for days now. cant rememba wen i last ate. miss your bangers and mash.

i wanna come home mum.

shite poster

>> No.10429212 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

you ent gonna believe what just happened. i posted so much shite jp went down. it was only for a sec like, but i saw it wiv me own two eyes.

hope ur proud of me mum.

shite poster

>> No.10428769 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

spendin the next couple a days in barrys gaff. hes a rite wizz on the computer and knows how to "ban avoid" on jp. spended a few hours postin shite non stop, janny got proper steamed lol.

im well chuffed. hope u are well.

shite poster

>> No.10425374 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

goin 2 be home l8 tonite. i have to post some shite on jp.

p.s if u made me any nosh stick it in the fridge ill ave it tomorro

shite poster

>> No.10425232 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

spended me whole day postin shite on jp. i ent think they een noticed me.

will try again 2moro

shite poster

>> No.10424707 [DELETED]  [View]
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dear mum,

i want to ruin jp w/ all me strength

shite poster

>> No.10356258 [DELETED]  [View]
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do you ever think that do you even did it?

my ass was became to explode when i had my first otaku moemnt.5 years ago wit anime.plz rezbong.

>> No.10320033 [View]
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I thought of an epic new meme, guys.

We turn Shinji into a brown skinned Indian, and start calling him Sanjay.

I think it meets the Otaku standard, get on it onegai!

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