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>> No.45803636 [View]
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Eirin was tidying up a bit after her last client, a chipped tooth aside she had to deal with the usual when it came to these events, too much alcohol, light bruising, maybe dislocated or broken bones.
In a way it was nice going back to this, she had lost herself for so long that her deranged state started feeling like her new life.
The entrance of her tent flapped behind her.
"Please sit down and tell me wha-"
"Eirin darling! It's been so so long!"
A green haired woman with red eyes meet Eirin's gaze as she turned "Kazami, happy new year" she greeted back
In a combination of sarcastic politeness aand behaving as she owned the place Yuuka sat on the patient chair "and a happy new year to you as well friend~" she looking at Eirin with a distinctive smile, a smile she had seen before when she first met her after the fake moon incident had been resolved.
Eirin really wished she was somewhere where getting in a fight would be allowed "so" Yuuka continued "have you been doing alright? Maybe overworking yourself a bit"
There is no way that she knows right? That woman barely leaves her mansion there's no way she would know unless... "I've been doing quite alright, thank you" Eirin finally replied
"oooh~? Are you sure friend? You know you can trust me if you have problems~"
"Everything is been quite alright, please stop asking"
"Really~? I just caught ear from a little someone that you've been having a bit of a sleeping problem~"
Eirin's eye twitched, she fully understood this was ultimately a consequence to her actions and despite this she couldn't help but resent anon
"Nothing to be embarrassed about of course, it's one of those things that come with age~"
Eirin was trying really hard to not turn Yuuka into a pin cushion right now
"Here, i even brought you a little something to help you with that" she pulled a bottle with a clear green liquid inside of it and placed it on a nearby table
"Asbinthe...how thoughtful...."
"You know me darling~ i'd do anything to look out for my friends~" Yuuka gave Eirin an innocent smile
"Anyways, i hate to cut this visit short but i'm sure there are actual patients that need my services, so if you could please"
To Eirin's relief Yuuka got up from the chair and began walking out "Do look after yourself dear, your hair is white enough as is" as Yuuka finished saying that she caught the arrow flying directly at her face, cackling as she left.

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