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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.20058006 [View]
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Youkai do not care about morality. The very morality they invoke to silence and oppress others is broken by them whenever they so please. Youkai see all tenants of morality as a tool set to use against those who still adhere to them. The act of covertly or overtly intending distress upon another outside of an act of self defense, and even then only as a last resort, is a youkai act. Psychologically manipulating someone for the sake of sadism is a youkai act. Bullying is a youkai act. Youkai nature is bullying. And it is not okay to bully people.

Every youkai is a victim. Everyone who lets youkai passively rule their lives is a victim. It has been said to forgive those who would do you harm, for they know not what they do. I myself have seen both sides of this coin. I know that those youkai are suffering. I know that they have suffered for so long that they no longer know what true joy, love, and happiness feels like. I know that when these youkai are presented with seeing something that they want that they cannot have for they themselves feel of themselves as inferior to have it, yet they covet it all the same, that they are filled with an overwhelming desire to destroy the target of their affection out of jealousy and as a way to remove any reminders of the happiness they once experienced in their life, which as it is contains none, only brief respites of the constant pain they are in through their sadistic actions toward others. And upon knowing those words those affected may laugh, and the laughter may be tinged with sadness. And of the worst of those, they won’t be able to remember why.

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